Chapter-61 | Early Winter Routine... (2)

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"I think you might be misunderstanding," Natasha's voice came through on the other end of the line. "No need to explain. Also, S.H.I.E.L.D. actually offers health insurance for dependents and a pretty comprehensive benefits package."

"I don't have... Wait, you mean there's money to be had? 30% of the amount Nick reported? That's a high percentage. Captain America's bonus is only 18%," Schiller responded.

"Yes, yes. Thank you for the comfort. She's okay," Schiller added.

Natasha continued, "I heard Stark is looking to hire some neuroscience experts for his mechs for further modifications. Just a reminder, even if Colonel Rhodes resigns, the military will never give up. Even without the Air Force, there's still the Army and Navy. This trouble is far from over."

Schiller responded, "I know, but I believe Stark can handle these things on his own now."

In truth, Stark is left to deal with these things on his own and with even more problems. Most of Stark's weapons manufacturing and military industrial sectors were managed by Obadiah. However, due to his serious injuries and old age, Obadiah is in a coma and unable to wake up. Pepper, Stark's personal secretary, is now busy taking over the entire Stark Industries Group and no longer has much time to manage Stark's personal life.

As we know, Stark's ability to take care of himself is basically zero. Previously, he relied on his friend Rod, but now Rod is gone and Jarvis, despite being intelligent, is just an electronic life and cannot do all the tasks that Stark needs.

Schiller and Stark looked at the clinic door. Stark tapped the door and said, "Let me in! It's daytime, aren't you open?"

"You don't have an appointment, so of course, it's not open," Schiller replied.

"Why can they all come and leave as they please but not me?" Stark complained.

"You also said they would leave anytime, so how long are you planning to stay here? Don't tell me it's a month," Schiller said.

"Not that long. It mostly depends on how long Pepper is going to be busy. I guess with her intelligence, she'll probably be able to take over the whole Stark Industries group in about three weeks," Stark said.

"Three weeks? I suggest you turn to S.H.I.E.L.D," Schiller suggested.

"You know I don't want to go there. There are two of Howard's old comrades there," Stark said making quotation marks with his fingers.

"I can't stand having a tea party every day, reminiscing about their WWII years or whatever," Stark grumbled as he pushed the door open. Schiller tried to block it with his hand and said, "Listen, I appreciate that you stayed up late studying neurological information for me, but that doesn't mean you can stay here for a month on loan."

"If that spider kid can do it, why can't I?" Stark retorted.

Schiller took a deep breath and opened his mouth to say something, but was interrupted by Stark pushing the door open and squeezing past him. Once inside, Stark looked around the room and said, "This house of yours is the most complete mismatch of structure and function I've ever seen."

Schiller immediately regretted letting Stark in, but what made him regret it even more was yet to come. Stark, like Iron Man, was a great friend to have, but only if you saw him once a month. When he's around every day, it's easy to start thinking of him as a nuisance.

It was clear that Rod, Stark's friend, had quickly packed his bags to go to Antarctica. It was a wise decision to prepare for this situation before leaving New York. The next morning, Schiller woke up to the sound of Stark rummaging through the refrigerator, cursing and complaining about the state of the house. He was allergic to hair and was convinced that dust and picture frames were breeding grounds for germs. After breakfast, Stark sat on the couch and chatted on the phone with a woman. He told her that he wasn't available as much these days and that no one was as pretty or sexy as her.

As Schiller sat by the window writing a paper, he couldn't help but want to use a ballpoint pen to smash the back of Stark's head. Stark screamed in pain and looked back at Schiller in shock. Eventually, Peter came and the two of them began playing a game together.

When the two of them were together, it was truly a recipe for sleepless nights and groggy mornings. Stark typically worked in his laboratory day and night, often starting experiments around 6 or 7 PM and continuing until 8 or 9 AM. Then, he slept until the afternoon. It was at night that he felt most inspired.

Peter also often stayed up all night, but since he was staying at Schiller's for a period of time, Schiller's healthy routine of early to bed and early to rise had an influence on him. In addition, he adjusted his routine accordingly. Now he would typically go to bed at around 12 AM. Pikachu, being a nocturnal creature, was most active between 3-4 AM.

So, with three and a half people living in the house, they all had different biological clocks. The clash of their work and rest times made the whole house a mess. Schiller would be ready for bed when Stark was just waking up, Stark and Peter would be playing games when Peter was feeling sleepy and Stark and Pikachu would be in the middle of a fierce battle together until dawn, with Schiller waking up again, feeling exhausted.

And let's not forget the two superheroes flying around New York. Iron Man typically saves the world during the day, sacrificing his daytime sleep. He would occasionally wake up and suddenly pop up to save the world, which would often startle Pikachu. Spider-Man, on the other hand, preferred to go out at night, sacrificing his nighttime sleep. He would often fly past Schiller's window in the early hours of the morning, causing Schiller to be jolted awake by flying ballpoint pens and teacups.

Steve and Stark also had their own conflicts, with Steve running past the house early in the morning while Stark was still awake. This led to Iron Man, still sleepy, scolding Captain America. Stark would then put on his steel suit and duel with Steve in anger.

[ShaneFreak: What the Duck? How is he alive?...]

When Peter and Natasha were fighting in the clinic, it was usually around noon. However, Peter would often stay up until midnight and get up again. Natasha was confused and asked Schiller in the doorway, "Excluding your pets, there should be three people living here, but why can I only ever see one of them?"

Schiller was also frustrated and said, "My colleagues in the statistics department have given up on giving you a list of activity times, and every time I come here to find someone, it's like a lottery." He continued on to explain, "This is my house, of course their work schedule follows mine, and it's my work schedule that's the healthiest. I retire to bed at eight at night and get up at five in the morning. Is there a more regular schedule than that?"

Stark also had a valid point. He said, "No successful scientist would not do experiments overnight. The night is the best time God gave mankind to use their genius brain. I make inventions at night that can change the world. Why should I adjust?"

Peter also complained, "Nowadays, where are the good boys who go to bed at 9:00 p.m.? My classmates are like this, and there are too many new games coming out recently. Why do I stay up late? You have to ask those game makers why they pile up all the fun games on sale this month."

Even Pikachu had something to say, "I'm just a mouse! You actually expect rats to adjust their work and rest like people?!"

The symbiote inside Schiller's brain was also aggrieved. He said, "Their brains always smell especially good in the middle of the night, it smells really too delicious."

Finally, one night, Schiller slept until early morning, the symbiote in his brain desperately gulping. Schiller just woke up, Stark had an excited face rushed into the door shouting: "I know what's going on! Come and see! Look at this! What do you think of this structure? As a neuron in the nano-nerve...I'm a genius! This must work!"

The next morning, Pepper was at the door of the psychological clinic, received by the person thrown out with the luggage, a dazed Stark.


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