Chapter-62 | Early Winter Routine... (3)

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As a group, humans are always affected by their environment.

Stark knows this well. Peter and his childhood friend Gwen have recently started dating, going out two or three times a week. Spider-Man has yet to meet his father-in-law, but he is currently overflowing with happiness.

Stark can hear him excitedly talking about small gifts his girlfriend has received or which dishes at restaurants were particularly delicious. Even though Peter's details may seem childish to Stark, he can still fully feel his happiness.

Through Strange, Schiller, and his wife's stories, the details of their relationships became richer and more poignant. Coulson originally found this information during his routine investigation of Strange, but he couldn't keep it to himself. The next day, Natasha and Nick heard a detailed version of the story from Coulson.

Natasha, as a woman, is particularly interested in romantic love stories and adds her own romantic details to the story, making it more realistic. Nick, being a skeptic, knows that he has to investigate the truth.

During his investigation, Nick found some clues that led him to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. and Stark had been paying money to Schiller for consultation. The money had originally been in an American account, but recently it was transferred to an international account in Switzerland. Nick couldn't track where the money went after that, but he suspected that it might be used to support Schiller's wife.

Recently, Schiller had told everyone that he would be away for a while. Nick had tried to track his whereabouts, but S.H.I.E.L.D. agents had been unable to find him. Nick thought that Schiller might have used some kind of magic power to go to his wife.

Nick believed that in order to be a good agent, one must not only have logical thinking skills, but also the ability to think creatively. Sometimes, inspiration can lead to unexpected results.

With all of these factors in mind, Nick was almost certain that his suspicions were correct. He believed that Schiller's wife might not be American, as he couldn't find any record of a missing woman in the archives. Schiller might have met her on a study trip and fallen in love, but she might have a temporary incurable disease that would only worsen over time. With the mention of cryogenic technology by Schiller in Strange, Nick suspected that Schiller might have developed a technology that allowed people to be frozen forever, preserving his wife from deteriorating. He was likely searching for a means of treatment.

Nick saw this story as more than just a poignant love story. He had always wanted to bring Schiller fully into S.H.I.E.L.D. and have him work for them. If S.H.I.E.L.D. could help in the treatment of his wife, Nick believed that they would soon have another powerful ally.

[ShaneFreak: XD....]

As a result, Nick decided to research various neurologists to find someone who could help him with his problem.

If Schiller had heard Nick's story and knew about his brain condition, he would have likely been impressed by the dedication and love Nick had for his wife, just like the story of the "frozen man."

When Stark learned of Nick's situation, he assumed that Nick must have had solid evidence and that Schiller had been working tirelessly to find a cure for his wife.

This revelation was a shock to Stark, as he had grown up surrounded by people who were often selfish and corrupt, unlike Nick's selfless love for his wife.

But a bigger shock came from Captain America, Steve. A few days ago, Stark noticed that Steve wasn't doing his morning run and asked Schiller what was wrong. Schiller said that Steve had been in a bad mood lately.

Stark knew that if Captain America was in a bad mood, it would mean trouble for everyone. When Steve returned, Stark wanted to tease him, but Steve looked exhausted and Schiller had a serious and sad expression. Even Peter was avoiding the gloomy atmosphere.

Without Pepper around, Stark felt lost and didn't know what to say. Eventually, he couldn't hold back his curiosity and went to Steve to ask what was wrong. Steve told him about his century-long romance with Peggy.

As a weak and helpless recruit, Steve had met Peggy, a brave female officer who showed him concern. As he became the famous Captain America, they fell in love and became each other's perfect soulmates. Even after a century, Captain America still loved Peggy and saw her as his perfect dance partner.

But the story had a tragic ending. A few days ago, Steve saw Peggy lying in a hospital bed, aging and dying. He saw her picture before she became ill and was overwhelmed with emotion. He even went to Nick's office to ask if there was any special serum that could save Peggy's life.

Unfortunately, Steve had to accept the painful and inevitable ending. This story shocked Stark even more, as he learned that his father Howard had also been a part of this story and had once been friends with Peggy.

Stark can't help but start to question himself. Is he really that different? When it comes to women, Stark has had his fair share. Models, party girls, and Hollywood actresses. He's had one or even several in a day. But when it comes to falling in love and experiencing real love, Stark can't think of a single instance. Since childhood, he hasn't had any relationships that have produced the same level of resonance as his friends. Even his first love, if he can even remember it, seems to be a distant memory. He sees his friends, Peter and Gwen, Schiller and his wife, and Captain America and Peggy June, all in loving relationships and can't help but wonder why he's different.

"Pepper has been looking at me strangely lately," Stark mentioned to Schiller and Peter as they sat in the S.H.I.E.L.D. cafeteria.

"Strange? In what way?" Schiller asked.

"I can't really put my finger on it, but it's a mix of worry, relief, and sympathy," Stark replied.

Schiller shook his head, "I'll leave the analysis to you. You can tell so much from just a look in someone's eyes."

"What's been going on with you lately?" Schiller asked.

"Nothing, I'm as good as new," Stark said, but Schiller wasn't convinced.

"Jarvis, can you analyze any recent changes in Stark's behavior?" Schiller asked the intelligent butler.

Jarvis analyzed and responded, "The only difference in behavior is that Stark has declined 18 invitations from the opposite sex in a week."

Stark saw the same expression on Schiller's face as Pepper's and knew he was in trouble.

"I'm not...," Stark tried to explain but Schiller cut him off.

"You don't have to explain. If you're figuring it out, congratulations, but if you're out of your depth, then you deserve it," Schiller said, knowing from the comics that Stark has had his fair share of relationships with women.

"I'm not..." Stark said, setting down his cutlery and resting his hands on the table. "I think they're not good either..."

"Then who put a yacht full of beautiful women on their lips in the first place?"

"Well," Stark said dejectedly, "I haven't even had a decent relationship, and you guys are always in my ear, bringing up all these romantic stories about love."

"I thought they were all there was to it, sexy, charming, short and passionate. What's wrong with that?"

"But Peter said yesterday that his girlfriend was willing to listen to him talk about how he built all that machinery, and the two of them talked about it all afternoon!"

"In fact, not only did they talk about it, but the next day we went back to the exhibition hall at Stark Industries where the machines are cool, and we strolled all day without getting tired..."

Stark glared at Peter as he silently stuffed his mouth with sandwiches.

"Well, no one ever wants to hear me talk about that. They'd rather listen to Hollywood gossip and designer shows, what new clothes are coming out for winter and spring. How can anyone be happy listening to me talk about building mechs?"

"But you actually want to talk about that, don't you? In your opinion, mechs are much more interesting than designer coats."

Stark scowled, looking like a sour lemon.

"But you guys are still useless when it comes to this. You'll have to talk to Pepper."

"But she doesn't know anything about these mechs either, and she's already busy."

"Still, as long as you talk, she'll definitely listen."


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