Chapter-63 | Peter, Good At Making Friends...

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"You already got your trainee license? Are we going to be able to drive my dad's car to the beach soon?" Gwen asked as she stirred her coffee in a small café next to a Midtown shopping street.

Peter, sitting across from her, sighed, "My uncle doesn't have much time left. He found a shadow on his lung at the hospital earlier, but it's okay, it's just a less serious inflammation. You know, he smoked when he was younger."

"Of course, they're all like that in their generation. My dad was the same and my mom would fight with him every time his coat smelled like smoke," Gwen responded.

"Even though I got my trainee license, my uncle wasn't available and I couldn't go on the road alone without an escort. I haven't even driven a car yet," Peter said with a shrug. "I'm not very good at driving yet. The trainee license only requires a written test. I can barely get the car started now. As for how to drive...I don't know when I'll be able to pass the road test. I haven't even sat in a car, let alone driven one."

The Parker family only has an old pickup truck that Uncle Ben uses to get to and from work. When Peter goes to Stark for his internship, he goes alone, with spiders swinging around between tall buildings.

In the United States, at Peter's age, to get a basic trainee driver's license, only a written test is required. But to drive alone on the road, a road test must also be passed. Peter has not even touched a car yet, and even if he is a genius, it is impossible to create something out of nothing. The road test is a long way off.

Gwen heard the loss in Peter's tone, so she changed the subject. "I heard that Stark Group gave you a substantial amount of money for the internship and also intends to let you work in their group in the future?"

"Yes, although I told my aunt and uncle that I would take care of my future college tuition, but apparently they were put off by the expensive tuition fees at some of the good universities and they're saving all the money so that nothing unexpected happens," Peter replied.

"I see, that's good. Sometimes, I think they're worrying about nothing, but when certain disasters really hit, I realize their fears aren't unreasonable," Gwen said. Her gentleness and understanding always made Peter feel a little unworthy of her.

"If your uncle can't take you to practice driving, do you have any friends or other older relatives who can help you out?" Peter thought for a moment and replied, "You know, now that you mention it, I do have a few options..."

The next day, in the waiting room of the psychological clinic, Peter explained to Schiller, "The thing is, I have to be able to touch the car before I can take the road test." Schiller was surprised, thinking that with Peter's intelligence, he would have already learned everything he needed to know.

"No problem," Schiller said. "I'd be happy to help. I'll drive you around and you can watch from the side. It won't take long, you'll learn everything in no time."

A few minutes later, Schiller was in the driver's seat, flipping through a small booklet and adjusting the steering wheel. He said, "Let me see, the part about steering and merging... Oh, here it is! Wait, this rule is a bit strange, right?"

Peter and Pikachu sat wide-eyed on the passenger side, and Pikachu said, "I bet he never even read the New York Driver's Handbook before he got his license."

"Isn't it obvious?" Peter said.

"Then why don't you think about how he actually passed his driver's license test?"

Peter stared straight ahead. "As long as I don't think about it, I'll feel safe for now."

A few minutes later, Peter and Schiller were standing next to the car, shivering from the cold New York early winter wind. Schiller was on the phone, saying, "Hello? Insurance company? Yes... I've sent you the location information... Oh. It's not serious, just a scratch on the side of the vehicle..."

He covered the receiver and shouted at the owner of a white Audi next to him, "Shut up! This is all your fault! Haven't you ever read the New York Driver's Manual? I'm the one going straight, you can't..."

Twenty minutes later, a flashy red supercar pulled up next to the accident scene, with Stark in the car wearing sunglasses. He waved to Peter and said, "Come on! Your Uncle Tony will take you to enjoy the New York coastline scenery!"

"You should have come to me in the first place," said Stark, with a snort of contempt. "Look at this doctor, does he look like a real racer? I'll bet he's never gotten his car to 100 mph in his life." Peter looked back at Schiller, who was still on the phone with the insurance company, and got into Stark's sports car.

Pikachu quickly covered his ears and yelled at Peter over the howling wind, "Why isn't he racing with the top closed?" "How should I know?" Peter shouted back. Stark chimed in, "It's called The Fast and the Furious, don't you get it?"

A few minutes later, the sports car pulled over and Stark pulled out a brochure, looking flustered. "Damn, how do I close the top? I hardly ever drive a car manually. No, no, no, Jarvis, I don't need your help." He muttered as he flipped through the brochure. "Let me see... Oh here it is! What? Vehicle Intelligent Management System? How is this supposed to be intelligent? I want to drive manually! Is there a button or something?"

Twenty minutes later, Peter emerged from the car, his hair blown into a bird's nest and Pikachu's hair knotted in the wind. "I should have never believed you when you said you could drive," Pikachu complained. "I'm just a rat, and I don't have to learn to drive, so why on earth did I come out with you?" Peter tried to reassure him, "It's okay, Captain America must drive better than them."

Indeed, Steve drove a mediocre black Cadillac, and his driving skills were much more polished than Stark's. Steve's speed increased as he skillfully took each turn without slowing down, leaving scorching marks on the ground with each drift. Peter was hit hard against the door and Pikachu was almost thrown out of the window.

Then, after a speed bump, Steve didn't slow down and the car went straight over it. The front wheels hit the speed bump hard, causing the front of the car to buckle.

Steve continued to disregard Peter's safety, as he flew over a speed bump and sent Peter flying out of his seat. Peter hit his head on the roof of the car and screamed in pain, "Oh! My waist!!!" Pikachu, who had been sitting on the dashboard, was now thrown to the windshield.

Steve, unfazed by the incident, smiled and said, "The suspension system of this vehicle is very advanced. When I was driving on the battlefield, I would only get a few bruises on my legs and arms if I hit something going less than 20 kilometers per hour." He added, "Learning to drive always has to have this process. Speed bumps on the highway are always better than spike traps and ramming roadblocks on the battlefield, right?"

Twenty minutes later, Coulson drove up in a S.H.I.E.L.D. special car to pick up Steve and Peter. Steve complained, "I take back what I just said about this car. It's also poor quality. How did it stall?" Coulson replied, "Captain, even if you're Captain America, you can't drive without a license and speed on a main road in New York..."

Steve retorted, "Driving without a license? How can I not have a license?!" Coulson explained, "Pre-1940 driver's licenses don't count." Steve then said, "Okay, but at least I wasn't speeding." Coulson replied, "Traffic laws before 1940 don't count either."

Pikachu, who was still sitting in Peter's arms, said in a hopeless tone, "You're really good at making friends." Peter also chimed in, "I thought there would always be someone reliable." Coulson, who had been listening to their conversation, asked, "So, you want to get a driver's license? Why didn't you call and ask us? S.H.I.E.L.D. can bypass the Department of Motor Vehicles and issue you a full driver's license directly. We still have that power."

Peter replied, "If you had told me that before today, I would have been happy to have you print me an official driver's license right away. But now that I've been taught a lesson, I'll take my time and practice on my own. Before I drive on the road, I'll be sure to memorize all the driver's manuals and vehicle instructions, and then go update my license information on time every year." Coulson, impressed by Peter's integrity, said, "There are not many young people like you who hold their integrity and do not seek privileges." Peter, exhausted from the experience, replied, "That's probably because I'm so good at making friends."

[ShaneFreak: These few chapters were damn fun... XD]


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