Chapter-64 | Little Spider's Adventure...

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In the end, Matt and his girlfriend, Erica, were the ones who taught Peter how to drive. After Matt's serious injury, the couple had reconciled and Erica felt remorse for her actions towards Peter when he tried to protect Matt.

So, when she learned that Peter was having a difficult time learning to drive, she and Matt offered to help him practice. Erica was patient and reliable as a teacher, despite her past as a Ninja. One day, while Peter was driving on his own, Matt and Erica were in the car discussing King Pin. Peter exclaimed that he would have to confront him someday for his actions towards Matt.

However, Matt warned him not to be impulsive, as his feud with King Pin was complicated and King Pin was a powerful mob boss in America.

Peter then asked about Bullseye and whether he was still in Hell's Kitchen, to which Matt replied that it wasn't a good time to act as King Pin and the Hopper may have made an agreement with the Hand.

"It doesn't make sense. The Hand and Society are so invested in the Dragon Bone, if they knew that King Pin wanted it too, they would have turned against him in the end. Did King Pin not know this?"

"That's the worst part. King Pin is willing to hire them even though he knows that the Hand and Society can't possibly work with him sincerely, much less give him the keel. It means there must be something we don't know that makes King Pin hire them even at the risk that the Hand and Society might turn against him."

"Has he had any big business lately?"

Erica said with a serious face, "If I had to say, you should know about it, his drug business."

"You mean the plan that he abandoned earlier?"

"What are you talking about?" Peter took control of the steering wheel, he couldn't understand the cryptic conversation that Matt and Erica were having. At this point in time, Peter had not yet taken on King Pin and it was still mainly Matt, "the Dare Devil," who was fighting King Pin.

"King Pin's drug business on the East Coast has reached a bottleneck. He has captured the vast majority of the market, but he is not satisfied."

"I had gotten a tip earlier that King Pin wanted to target younger students, using the manpower he had enlisted in various colleges and high schools to sell potentially addictive drugs to younger kids so that, one day, he could break through his all-time sales."

Peter slammed the steering wheel hard and cursed under his breath, then he said, "From the day I started trying to be a hero, there are always people who keep refreshing my perceived ceiling. Why don't they have any humanity at all?"

"You'll see more of these monsters in the future," Matt said.

The calmness of his tone gave Peter a sense of power. The car drove from the main road into a street, it was a little late in the day, Peter wanted to take Matt's car back first, and then continue practicing the next day.

As they turned the corner, a bright light shone over them. Peter instinctively touched his eyes, and then his spider sense detected movement. He immediately opened the car door and jumped out. A few darts flew through the windshield and hit the driver and passenger sides. Peter looked up and saw a few black shadows leaping down from a nearby building, accompanied by a puff of black smoke and a few flashes.

After some practice, Peter was not as flustered as before. He rolled on the ground to avoid a row of shurikens, then leapt and knocked a ninja off the roof of the car. His strength was so great that the Ninja turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in an instant. Another Ninja yanked open the door, but the car was empty. A dagger flashed coldly and Erica's figure appeared on the side of the car. She took out one ninja and with a wave of her backhand, a few shurikens scared off another.

Matt was not in the car either. His five senses were too advanced for normal people, he heard the movement when the shuriken were still in flight and took out a ninja at the rear of the car. He came over with his cane and said, "These guys are really troublesome. We only took them out one last time and this time they all got away."

Peter shook off his somewhat numb wrists and said, "What's going on? Have they been attacking you guys recently?"

"Erica and I moved because the old house was constantly harassed by these fleas."

Peter said, "I'm sorry, I've been a little busy lately and I haven't been to your place. I should have known you were in trouble. I should have gone over there."

"You can't just rely on brute force to deal with these people. Even if Erica and I take one out, we have to set a trap. In this kind of encounter, they just disappear."

"You can't deal with the ninja's evasion techniques. You need to use special evasion techniques to break them." Erica was also carrying a dagger as she retraced her steps to the car.

"Do we still have to drive? What about in case they come back?"

"Didn't you notice? They're not here to kill us, they're just here to harass."

Peter got back in the car, with Erica driving this time, and he said, "So what's the point of them doing this anyway? It's not like they can hurt you guys..."

"Although we are not afraid of them, but my neighbors are not necessarily. They know that in order to protect ordinary people, I have to move from time to time, which will largely interfere with me to go out to fight their industry."

Erica continued Matt's words, "It's an old routine commonly used by the Hand and Society. Whoever goes against them, they send these immortal ninjas to harass them without interruption until they leave the area completely."

"These ninjas are not very aggressive, don't kill often, and are sneaky and leave no evidence, so the officials in that area have little reason to strike against them."

"This is exactly how brilliant King Pin was. He used these ninjas from the Hand and Society to harass me, so that I would not have time to hinder the upgrading of his industry for a while. He knows that even if he strikes hard, he won't be able to kill me for a while, and will only usher in more violent retaliation, but this kind of harassment like flies can slow me down to a great extent."

Erica said while turning the steering wheel, "Maybe that's one of the reasons he chose to work with the Hand, your previous actions caused him too much damage, even if the Bullseyes almost succeeded, it didn't take long for you to show up again and pull out a few of his underground casinos even faster."

"He already knows that it's better to send someone to harass you non-stop than to hire an assassin to try and kill you and always fail."

Matt sighed, he was also a bit helpless about this current situation. These ninjas are very annoying. They can lower their heartbeat, so Matt can't detect their specific location. They would come to his home every now and then, either throwing darts or starting fires, causing a lot of chaos. The landlord doesn't care if Matt is harassed, they will only evict people.

As a lawyer, Matt originally had a nice apartment in Manhattan to live in, but his cabin in Hell's Kitchen was just a stronghold. The ninjas always came to mess up, he had to move again and again, and it did take him a lot of energy. Dare Devil's day also has only 24 hours, he originally also sacrificed sleep to fight crime, but now, he has to write pleadings and participate in court during the day, and move and organize things at night, and only a short time in the second half of the night can go.

"The battlesuit is still being tested, but yesterday I received a call from Mr. Stark asking me to go to the building. I think it will be finished in a few days," said Matt as the car drove to the street near his residence. Several people got out of the car and Matt continued, "You should think this through. Once you take a shot at Bullseye, you'll inevitably be in the sights of King Pin. Fighting him is a fight to the death, not something you can compare to taking down a few muggers or thieves in Hell's Kitchen."

"He will use any means necessary, both imaginable and unimaginable, to kill you. He could become your nightmare in this life and no matter where you go, you'll always have to be on guard against his assassination, just like me."

Peter stood on the other side of the car, looking at Matt. The streetlights were out on the street and only the window glass reflected the lights from the residential buildings. Peter asked him, "So, do you regret it? When you were lying on the operating table, did you regret getting involved in all this in the first place?"

"If I hadn't been involved in all this, I would be in some fancy apartment downtown right now, preparing for a case that was going to trial the next day. Maybe I would be discussing engagement plans with my girlfriend or maybe even thinking about getting a dog..." said Matt.

Erica chimed in, "But now you're like a street rat, not to mention a dog. You can't even keep a tropical fish alive without it ending up on your bedroom doorstep the next day."

"I didn't really think it through when I got involved in all this. Do you think I thought about it for a year before I did it?" said Matt. "The truth is, I dived headfirst into this bottomless abyss with a lot of hate and passion."

"As much as I want you to be a superhero, because with your powers you can save a lot of people, and that's why I'm willing to teach you," said Matt. "But I have to remind you that going against King Pin means you'll never go back. You have to be both righteous and powerful, and if one is missing, there is only death."


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