Unknowingly - Bai Georgi's POV

Bai Georgi didn't know the message he took time to write down would never reach Bai Lang. If he knew Bai Lang would never see it, if he was still alive, then Georgi might have taken the risk to fight against the Frigarya. Georgi would have fought the Frigarya without a second thought if this fight would have resulted in him gaining the knowledge that his little brother was still alive.

However, Bai Georgi didn't know his brother was still alive and therefore he had to ensure the safety of his squad, and not just the squad, but also the people who usually stayed in HQ to do logistics. These people usually didn't leave HQ and stayed inside the safety of the base to take care of logistic work. Leading these people outside into the unknown of Paradise without them having adequate experience when it comes to surviving in Paradise, was absolutely nerve wrecking for Bai Georgi. Therefore, he needed to focus on what he was doing.

Bai Georgi would never know that the Frigarya would leave soon after arriving, because headquarters evacuated in a fast and organized manner. Therefore, when the Frigarya couldn't find any prey, it moved on before Bai Lang returned home. Which led to the fact that Bai Lang just saw an abandoned headquarters, without any visible reason why headquarters would have been abandoned. Therefore, Bai Lang rightly questioned if he they simply moved on and he was simply left behind… abandoned… because everything in headquarters still looked the very same before he left, the only difference was that there weren't any people around.

Bai Georgi didn't know that by leaving this time he would never see his brother again, even though he was still alive. Although Bai Georgi would always keep the hope, that Bai Lang was alive firmly in his heart. Bai Georgi would continue to look for his brother in the Apocalypse as long as he had this feeling that told him his brother was still alive. Only after Bai Lang's death this feeling, that Bai Georgi had, that told him his little brother was still out there, disappeared. That was also one of the few days, since the start of Paradise, in the future where out of nowhere Bai Georgi would burst into tears and bawl his eyes out.

Georgi however had his work cut out for him at the very moment. He had to lead all the people in the base, even the people who usually didn't go out since the start of Paradise, to a second safe establishment. Therefore, he quickly shrugged of his worries and put back on the heavy coat of responsibilities which being a commander would always bring.

Being a commander in the army Bai Georgi was used to the responsibilities being a commander brought. Being a commander during the apocalypse wouldn't seem that much harder, after all it seemed like the same job. This however wasn't the case. Being a commander in Paradise was a lot harder than everyone would expect, because no matter how heavy being the commander in the armed forces was. Everyone in the Armed forces was aware of the dangers being in the armed forces would bring along as soon as they enlisted. Besides that, in the army every soldier was well trained. Therefore, they had the same norms and values, which made leading a team a lot easier.

Leading a squad in the apocalypse was a lot harder than leading in the army, because Georgi also had to lead regular family members of the squad for which he was responsible. These members never realized the dangers and responsibility which came with being a squad member. Besides that and probably more importantly, no matter which army, you were part of they always had downtime or vacation days. The apocalypse however never gave that leisure, the commander was the commander 24/7 for 365 days a year.

The fact that Bai Georgi had these heavy responsibilities might also be one of the reasons why he never noticed how his parents treated Bai Lang. Even though Georgi and Bai Lang had been together for two years traveling and working together to survive the apocalypse.

Bai Lang was also not the kind of person to export his grievances. If Bai Lang did export them then Bai Georgi could have done so many things differently. So, when two parties have a misunderstanding its never just the fault of one party. Maintaining a relationship, any kind of relationship if it's friendship or a romantic relationship always takes the effort of both people involved.

When your tired or when you sore you can sometimes lean on the person next to you and expect them to carry you for a while until you're re-energized. However, if you expect one person to always do the heavy lifting that relationship is bound to fail. That was how Bai Georgi was feeling with the people in HQ currently while he was leading them away, tired.

Bai Georgi didn't mind being the commander but having been the commander for two years in an environment which didn't offer him any respite was starting to take his toll on him. He wanted to have someone around who could help him share his worries. Even if that person wanted to be the head commander he wouldn't mind as long as that commander had the skills to lead his people. However, nobody in the group was up to the task.

Bai Georgi tried to train others to lead. Kai was an example of that, but while Kai was a great intelligence gatherer. Kai didn't have the knowhow or ability to make the right choices based on the intelligence he had gathered, especially if those choices would risk the lives of team members. Georgi tried to train Kai in making these decisions. However, Kai was way to sensitive, which lead to him being able to sniff out any intelligence needed but made him not suited for leading the squad. Any decision he would make would weigh to heavily on him and eventually Kai would be destroyed, because he would keep second guessing himself.

When Bai Georgi slept at night, he still couldn't escape his responsibilities. Which led to him never getting a good night of sleep. He would toss and turn all night and second guess decisions he had made. Sometimes, very few times, he would fall in a deep sleep, and he would dream about a guy in combat gear. He was a tall guy, with long blond hair and bright blue eyes. His skin looked like he was kissed by the sun. The guy radiated power and he always seemed to be in charge of his team. Sometimes Bai Georgi would see the environment through the eyes of this blond-haired god. Other times however he seemed to be a team member following his lead. Other times he would see the blond-haired god resting or even napping and he could just sit next to him. Whenever Bai Georgi could sit next to him it brought him inner peace.

Those times that Bai Georgi seemed to fall asleep and see how he led his team he would learn a lot. Unknowingly Bai Georgi would learn to shape his actions based on the actions of this person in his dream. The actions of this person always seemed to be engraved in his soul. He noticed the signs this person used and although Bai Georgi only led a squad of regular soldiers, he recognized the signs as the ones used in the military by special forces soldiers.

The goal of becoming part of special forces or leading his team of special forces had always been the goal Bai Georgi worked hard towards. Therefore, he was very impressed with what he saw every time he had this dream. Bai Georgi tried to mold his actions after this man. Having these dreams gave him a lot of support unknowingly, feeling like he didn't have to always carry this heavy burden alone.

Nobody knew that the start of Paradise, brought more than just disaster and Mayhem. In the darkness other forces seems to be at work as well. The world consists out of Yin and Yang, Darkness and Light. Which means that whenever a lot of darkness is added, light must be added in a similar fashion. One of the ways light was added was by having merits part of the system, because it was part of the system every human being received, humans would create their own light. This however was far from enough to balance out the darkness brought by Paradise. So, most light added worked in a more mysterious way.

Light sometimes could connect you to a significant other when you had been married for years when you had that significant other in your heart. Light however, could also be a guiding light, in the form of visions, showing you the way for your deepest heart desire. As long as that deepest heart desire was pure and was based on positive intentions.

The reason Bai Georgi experienced these visions was because, deep down Georgi wished there was a strong commander next to him. Not just for himself, but also for the safety for everyone around him. Someone who was qualified to lead the group in his stead or lead besides him. The energy and wishes Bai Georgi send into the universe sometimes showed Bai Georgi these visions. These visions for now just relieved Bai Georgi's anxiety and responsibility he carried, but these visions could lead to so much more.