Chapter 71 – Will you help me?

Kai and Ibaraki walked back to Chinatown after everything was settled. The walk was silent, and no one spoke a single word.

His mind was still wandering around what John had said. It rang inside his mind, refusing to leave.

As a highly curious person, Kai wanted to know what happened in New York City. He couldn't settle down his desire to try to find out what was happening.

There was also something he hid from John. It was about the Alchemist. The old man seemed to be oblivious to that strange man's presence.

As he was lost in thoughts, Ibaraki called out from the side. "Master." Her voice was soft and shy. She had returned to her usual self.

Kai turned around to Ibaraki. She had a worried expression on her face.

"Are you okay?" The Oni girl asked as her lips quivered.