Chapter 72 – Old Woman

While Kai was talking to Amber and Ibaraki in his restaurant and the old men argued near the pond as they fished, the main office of the Slayer Organization descended on a commotion.

"Bring this document to the Director already!"

"Hey! Be careful with that!"

"Send someone to investigate quickly! We have no time to stay like this!"

Among the commotion of Slayers who worked for the organization, Griffin walked toward the elevator while letting out a tired sigh.

He was called by the Director, Katarina, and was asked to visit her on the top floor. His hands were in his coat's pocket as he grumbled under his breath.

"Damn it. I had a date in 3 hours with Tiffany. Why did she call me on my day off? I worked really hard already."

The elevator door opened with a ding, and he stepped inside. His coat ruffled in the air as he turned around, ruffling his short brown hair with his right hand.