Chapter 113 – Memories

A soft voice rang in his ears.

"Suzuka, are you sure about this? I know that you are sad because you just lost your husband, but sealing his memories without even telling Marcus is…"

"Yes, Dragon King. I want to do this so he grows up without the burden of being the most wanted person in the Supernatural World. I want him to be ready and understand his position when he finds out about his origin."

"But that would make him weak. This lady can protect her future husband without any problem."

"Fufufu, I appreciate that. However, my father will definitely protect him. Did you forget about my specialty? It will not be permanent. His memories will return if he's ready and meets a certain condition. I want you to help him at that time."

"This lady doesn't mind." The Dragon King said as she looked at him. No, at the young him who slept on the bed with a rough breath, gasping for air.