Chapter 114 – Dragon King Castle

"Hmm?" Ao turned around toward him. Her hair moved, following her movement. "We are sleeping. So it's natural to be naked, no?" She asked curiously.

Was that really the case?

Kai glanced down. Thankfully, his member was hidden beneath a blanket. The same white blanket also hid the Dragon King's lower body.

"Besides…" She continued. "We are husband and wife. What is there to be hidden from each other?" She asked.

"Excuse me?"

Now that was new to him. This place was also not familiar, and he couldn't feel anyone's presence near them. Not even Amber and Ibaraki.

'Where am I?' A thought sank into his mind as he calmed down considerably.

He admitted that his mind didn't think as clearly as normal because he was a bit excited when he saw Ao's naked body.

But now that she began to cover her front body with a spare blanket from the side and looked straight at him with the same soft smile, he could now think calmer than before.