A Deal, Daylight Robbery? _1

The first S-Class Overlord that Chen Feng could think of was Lin Yao.

Lin Yao had said before that she would look out for him.

When Sun Siyang picked on him, she stood up for Chen Feng.

It shouldn't be difficult to trade resources for a regional construction blueprint, right?

Chen Feng immediately sent a private message to Lin Yao.

"Are you there?"

"Do you have a Regional construction blueprint?"

He went straight to the point and was too lazy to deal with small talk.

Now, he could see that although Lin Yao was a goddess in the eyes of many people, her character wasn't like a girl at all.

Although she looked very cold, she was actually very straightforward.

The type that would say anything.


Lin Yao was stunned.

"Why do you want a Regional construction blueprint?"

"You're already prepared to lose the bet?"

Chen Feng was speechless.

"I don't need to!"

"Goddess Lin Yao, is this what you think of me?"

Chen Feng's mouth twitched, and he was speechless.

He didn't expect Lin Yao to think of him this way.

What a joke, he was now at the top of both the resource board and the combat power board!

Would he be afraid of losing to Sun Siyang?

"I'm just joking."

"You're in the lead now, so you won't lose."

Lin Yao sent another "hehe" emoji.

Chen Feng was depressed.

Was she... Was she really joking?

Lin Yao knew how to joke, and if she said this, no one would believe her.

"You want a Regional construction blueprint? I've just finished using the one in my hand."

"If you want, I can help you contact other people."

"I know who has extra."

In the private chat, Lin Yao didn't look like a cold goddess at all.

On the contrary, she was quite warm.

"Really? That'll be troublesome!"

"In the future, if you have any problems, you can look for me. I might look this way but I can still be useful."

"If I can help, I will!"

At this moment, he had the confidence to say such words.

He had a lot of resources in his hands. As long as he could develop steadily, with all kinds of wonders, Chen Feng believed that his territory would not be worse than anyone else's.

"Hehe, I don't need any help."

Lin Yao was still so direct.

It wasn't that she looked down on Chen Feng, but she didn't seem to like receiving help from others.

Chen Feng naturally wouldn't think too much about it.

Lin Yao was also very efficient, and it didn't take long for someone to contact Chen Feng.

His name was Zhou Xu.

His identity wasn't ordinary. He was also one of the 12 new S-Class overlords in this batch.

Chen Feng was no stranger to this name.

When he was free, he liked to read the chat channel and see all kinds of people chatting.

Although most of the information was pointless, there were still many useful things.

For example, the gossip of the S-Class Lords.

One of them mentioned Zhou Xu.

He came from an influential background. It was said that he was not from Ning city, but from a certain family in the provincial capital.

No one knew why he would awaken in Ning City.

However, in the eyes of many, Zhou Xu was one of the people with the most potential among this batch of S-Class overlords.

He awakened the berserk beast Overlord, and it was a Lord type that was famous for its extremely strong combat power.

In addition to his family status, he definitely did not lack resources.

The future could be said to be waiting for him.

However, in reality, Zhou Xu's current performance was rather average.

He was not on the top of the resource rankings, and he was barely in the top 10 of the combat power rankings.

However, no one dared to underestimate him.

It was only a matter of time before a Lord like him, who had his own foundation and backing, took off.

Zhou Xu: "Hello, Lin Yao introduced me to you. I heard that you're short on Regional construction blueprint? "

"Chen Feng, you're a famous person. I've been wanting to get to know you for a long time, hehe."

Zhou Xu was very enthusiastic.

Chen Feng was naturally equally polite.

On the surface, one of them was an S-Class while the other was an F-Class. Their identities did not seem to be equal.

However, anyone with a discerning eye would know that Chen Feng's Lord of wonder was definitely not as simple as an F class.

At the very least, his performance in the early stages had already surpassed other S-Class overlords!

After exchanging a few pleasantries, Zhou Xu gave his conditions.

He did have more than one Regional construction blueprint to trade.

The conditions of the exchange were very simple. They needed 1000 wood, stone, and food each.

This number, at this point in time, could be said to be completely unacceptable to other Lords.

Even if there were 10 or even 50 overlords, they would not even have so many resources, much less an ordinary overlord!

It could be said to be daylight robbery!

However, Chen Feng was able to give this number without any pressure!

To him, these items were only one-tenth of his day's harvest.

It was just a small number.

In exchange, he could obtain a Regional construction blueprint.

No matter how he looked at it, it was a sure win!

"No problem!"

"Then let's just trade directly?"

In another territory.

There were many ferocious beasts surrounding the flat sand, and a tall young man sat in the middle.

He looked at the chat message in the Overlord badge in his hand.

The young man could not help but laugh.

"So heroic?"

"Looks like I've lost this round?"

He was Zhou Xu, and he was currently discussing the deal with Chen Feng.

In reality, the true value of a Regional construction blueprint was much more than 3000 basic resources.

There were very few ways to obtain this item in the early stages, so it was quite valuable.

The reason he offered this price was because it was only the third day.

But in the eyes of others, it was an exorbitant demand.

3,000 basic resources! At this point in time when they had just entered the foreign war zone, how many things could the poor new lords do?

But this Chen Feng...

He actually agreed without any hesitation!

It seemed like his exaggerated score of 60000 points on the resource board was not fake!


Zhou Xu replied with an 'OK'.

It was obvious that this number did not even reach the upper limit of the price that the other party had expected.

There was still a large scope of bargaining.

But he was too lazy to raise the price.

That would be too dishonest, and it would not match his personality.

The trade between Lords was very simple.

They only needed the two of them to propose the content of the deal.

Once both parties confirmed it, the transaction would be completed.

The items traded would automatically enter the other party's warehouse.

Very quickly, the transaction was completed.

Zhou Xu: "It was a pleasant deal. Let's be friends. If you need any materials in the future, you can come to me."

"I'll definitely give you a fair price!"

"OK!" Chen Feng replied. Then let's be friends, let's have a good deal!"

With a thought, he teleported to the territory's warehouse.

After taking out the map, Chen Feng finally let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, I used something of little value to exchange for this blueprint."

"This way, I can build a Defensive wonder!"