Defensive Wonder [ Terracotta soldiers ]!

Even with the Regional construction blueprint, Chen Feng didn't have many defensive wonders to choose from.

It was still the same problem. Although there was no lack of basic resources, the territory currently did not have scarce resources like copper and iron.

After careful consideration, he made a decision.

"I've decided to choose you!"

It was the most reliable defensive wonder, the terracotta soldiers!

Terracotta soldiers

[ Resources consumed for construction: Stone *10000, Regional construction blueprint *1 ]

[ Construction time: 24 hours ]

[ Wonder effect: Acquire 10000 terracotta soldiers that can be used for defense.]

[ Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look upon them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death... Sun Tzu ]

A total of 10000 terracotta soldiers!

It wasn't like those soldier types of wonders that required him to spend resources to summon.

He would get 10000 terracotta soldiers once the [ Terracotta soldiers ] was built!

Moreover, they didn't need to consume any food!

Although he didn't know the exact combat strength of a single terracotta soldier, there were 10000 of them!

Even if one's combat power was only 1,10000 of them would be equivalent to 10000 combat power!

Of course, the numbers could not be calculated like that.

If his combat power was really only 1, then he was not even as good as an ordinary person.

Any one of them with a combat strength of 50 and above would be able to kill these terracotta soldiers as if they were ants.

Chen Feng estimated that the combat strength of these terracotta soldiers was at least 5 points higher than that of a normal person.

Of course, as for how much exactly, that would have to wait until the [ Terracotta soldiers ] was completed.

Chen Feng couldn't wait any longer and immediately chose to build it.

He had chosen to build the Terracotta soldiers in the outer area of the territory.

It was so long that it almost covered half of the border of the territory.

The territories of all the new overlords in Ning City were evenly spread out in the same area, and the distance between each other was not far.

The size of one person's territory was about 100 pieces of land.

As the Lord's level increased, the territory would also become larger.

However, they still had the problem of not having enough territory.

In fact, it didn't matter- territories could be moved.

As the strength of these new lords continued to increase, they would gradually enter their own territories deep into the foreign war zones.

It was all for the sake of more Resources and Development space.

However, he didn't know if it was the command center's intention, but Chen Feng realized that the territories of these F and E Class overlords were more towards the outer regions.

In other words, after ten days, the protective cover of the foreign war zone would be gone.

The beasts that swarmed in would make these F-Class and E-Class territories their first targets.

As such, Chen Feng had arranged for the terracotta soldiers to be near the direction of the alien beast horde.

When the terracotta soldiers were completed, this long border would become Chen Feng's defense area.

As for the territory behind it, it was in the direction of the other overlords' territories.

Even if there was danger, it should not be a big problem.


Soon, the third day was over, and it was the fourth day.

The territory had obtained another batch of resources, and Chen Feng's points on the list had also reached over 90000.

It looked like he would easily break through the 100000 mark in another day.

The other new lords were already used to it.

They all knew that Chen Feng was a freak and couldn't be judged with common sense.

More and more people wanted to suck up to Chen Feng. Many of them wanted to use their own troops and items to exchange for resources.

Although Chen Feng was tempted, he still refused.

He could produce troops by himself, and the combat power of the elf archers was not weak at all. With 50 combat power, they were better than most of the overlord's troops.

If he rashly exchanged his resources for items, it would easily give people the impression that he had a lot of resources.

This was not a good thing.

It was one thing for him to be far ahead on the resource board.

However, it was a different matter to be able to take out so many resources to exchange for items.

Although the former would make others envious, the points were just a number.

No one knew exactly how Chen Feng had managed to dominate the resource board.

Therefore, only a few people would really have bad intentions toward him.

However, if he were to expose it easily, that he had all of these basic resources and even had a lot of them ...

That would be hard to say.

One had to know that in history, less than half of every batch of new lords could survive after three beast tides.

The death rate of F and E Class overlords was more than two-thirds.

It was hard to say what these people would do in order to survive and live a better life.

Although Chen Feng wasn't afraid, he was still on guard.

The chat channel was still as lively as ever. After all, the Lords did not have much to do during the early stages of the construction.

Chen Feng didn't see Sun Siyang again.

He didn't know if it was because he had reported the attack to the higher-ups and he had given up.

Even if Sun Siyang wasn't willing to give up and had other ideas, Chen Feng wasn't afraid.

The gap between the two would only grow wider and wider, and Sun Siyang would not be a threat to him in the future.


The Temple of Artemis.

With the disappearance of 500 portions of food, another 10 elf archers walked out from the temple.

Before the temple was full, it could summon 10 elf archers every day.

The 10-day safe period was over, and the summoners could be fully summoned.

By the time the beasts attacked, Chen Feng believed that the rain of arrows formed by the 100 elf archers would be enough to stop any beasts from threatening his territory!

Just as he was about to leave, the goddess Artemis suddenly came looking for him.

"My Lord, our soldiers are still too weak in combat."

"We can increase their combat strength through certain methods!"


Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Increase combat strength?

"You have a way to increase their combat strength?"

"That's right."

The goddess Artemis nodded seriously.

"I've noticed by chance that there seems to be something related in my memory..."

She recalled, "there are two common methods to improve the combat power of soldiers."

"The first is the Upgrade wonder. This way, not only the soldiers but even my combat power will be improved…"

Chen Feng gave a wry smile and waved his hand.

"This method isn't very realistic."

The requirements to 'Upgrade wonder' are too difficult. Not only did he need a lot of rare resources, but he also need to advance to intermediate Lord.

"It's not something that can be completed in a short time."

"That's right."

The goddess Artemis nodded.

"In the short term, the first method isn't very realistic."

"But I have a second method, and that is training!"

"Through training, the soldiers can gain experience and improve their combat power!"