Counterattack, Beat Him into a Pig’s Head!

The goddess Artemis' arm had been pierced by a dart and she had been in a severely injured state.

Even Sun Siyang was less wary of her.

He had spent a lot of money to summon these five men in black.

Each of them had 500 points of combat strength.

It could be said that he had exhausted all the resources the clan had invested.

In terms of strength, he had already surpassed Chen Feng and was ranked first on the combat strength ranking!

Naturally, he wouldn't be too concerned about a mere general.

However, he did not expect that the speed of the goddess Artemis was extremely fast.

She suddenly rushed in front of a man in black beside her and pulled out the dagger at her waist swiftly.


The man in black didn't even have time to react.

A line of blood was drawn on his neck.

Fresh blood spurted out.

He held his neck powerlessly. He wanted to say something, but he knelt on the ground weakly.

The other men in black were shocked.

The goddess Artemis was dressed as a long-range archer general. Who would have known that her close combat ability was also so strong?

As she pounced on the next man in black, the other party retreated in a panic.

He was afraid that he would follow in his companion's footsteps.

"Quickly surround and attack her!"

Sun Siyang came to his senses and quickly gave the order.

As soon as the order was given, no matter how much the men in black cherished their lives, they had no choice but to pounce on the goddess Artemis.

The Lord's orders were above everything else.

It was even more important than their lives!

The four of them attacked together and it was effective.

Even though the goddess Artemis's combat strength was obviously stronger than that of a single man in black, she was unable to win when faced with the siege of four people.

Facing four people at the same time, she could only barely defend herself.

Although the combat strength was 2000 points, it was a comprehensive calculation.

The main combat strength of the goddess Artemis was still in long-range attacks.

In other words, she was an 'Archer'.

Although she wasn't weak in close combat, she was still lacking.

Moreover, she was also injured.

However, even so, her explosive attitude just now was already scary enough.

Sun Siyang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

He was shocked. He didn't expect Chen Feng's general to be so powerful.

He looked at Chen Feng and was about to say something mocking.

However, Chen Feng, who had been standing there a moment ago, was nowhere to be seen.

When he turned his head again, the other party had already rushed in front of him.

What welcomed him was a fist that was getting bigger and bigger.


Sun Siyang was caught off guard and was sent flying by the punch.

The intense pain almost made him faint.

He struggled to get up from the ground, but before he could counterattack, Chen Feng had already moved forward and punched him twice.



After a few punches, Sun Siyang had been beaten into a pig's head.

A few of his front teeth were even knocked out.

He was beaten silly.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to throw another punch, Sun Siyang quickly begged for mercy.

"Chen. Chen Feng, stop, stop!"

"I'll just ask them to stop..."

However, Chen Feng did not hold back and threw another punch.

"Why should I stop just because you tell me to?"

"Who do you think you are?"

"You dare to send people to attack my territory?"

"You even dared to destroy the protective shield and use the alien beasts to harm me? "

"You f*cking caused someone's death, do you know that?"

"You're hoping I won't hit you?"

Every sentence was accompanied by a loud slap.

Chen Feng wasn't only avenging himself, he was also avenging the dead Lord.

The flesh on Sun Siyang's face was almost smashed.

Satisfied, Chen Feng lifted him up.


The surrounding men in black were all dumbfounded.

They really didn't expect that Chen Feng, a Lord, would have such a high combat strength.

They did not dare to continue attacking the goddess Artemis.

Even their own Lord was in the hands of the other party.

Once the Lord died, the generals would also die.

What's the point of fighting?

"You... Is it the Overlord strengthening potion?"

Sun Siyang, who had been picked up by Chen Feng with one hand, took a deep breath and barely managed to regain his senses.

He was a Lord after all. If he was an ordinary person, he would have fainted long ago.

He kept mumbling to himself.

"I should have thought of it. I should have thought of it long ago."

"Those bastards in the command center definitely won't let go of the opportunity to win you over."

"A bottle of Lord's strengthening potion. If those S-Class Overlords have it, you will definitely have it too..."

"I was careless, too careless!"

However, it was too late to say anything now.

In fact, the battle had already ended when it started.

Just now, the goddess Artemis' sudden outburst was too terrifying, which led to Sun Siyang giving the order to attack her.

All his attention was on her.

He had completely forgotten that the "weak" Chen Feng was still there.

Chen Feng, who had taken the Overlord strengthening potion, had a huge difference in combat power compared to Sun Siyang, who was an ordinary lord.

With his measly 50 points of combat strength and a little trick to create a diversion, Chen Feng had turned the tide of the battle.

Sun Siyang had become a hostage in his hands.

There was naturally no need to fight.

All the men in black could only wait to be captured.

Under Chen Feng's threat, Sun Siyang had no choice but to order them to return to their territory.

As for Chen Feng, he took out a rope.

He tied up Sun Siyang, who had been beaten into a pig's head.

They had caught the culprit behind the destruction of the protective shield and the intrusion of so many alien beasts.

He finally understood the danger.

Chen Feng didn't expect Sun Siyang to do such a crazy thing just because of a bet.

If he was handed over to the command center, he would probably be sentenced to death, right?

"Chen Feng, Y-you... I beg you to let me go!"

Sun Siyang also knew what kind of ending was waiting for him. When he came back to his senses, he was so scared that he couldn't stop trembling.

Where was the crazed look from before?

The headquarters would not treat him lightly just because of his family.

Something like destroying the protective shield.

To put it lightly, it was harming his own colleagues.

To put it more seriously, he had deliberately murdered all the new lords!

The clan would only end the relationship with him and would never help him.

The outcome was obvious.

Sun Siyang came back to his senses at this time, and couldn't help but regret his madness in the past few days.


It was just a regional construction blueprint and a little pride.

A loss was a loss. At the very least, he was still a B-Class Overlord.

If he developed his territory well, with the support of his family, his future would be limitless.

How did he end up in this state?

Unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in this world.

"Let you go?"

Chen Feng sneered.

He would rather crush Sun Siyang to death and bury him now than let him go.

Are you kidding me?

If it wasn't for the fact that his [Terracotta soldiers] had just been completed.

It had a strong defensive ability.

These thousands of alien beasts had entered his territory. They could probably easily turn his nest upside down!

At that time, the best ending he could think of was to find a way to end his own life.

He didn't want to have to suffer the pain of being eaten alive by the alien beasts.

Not to mention, it was all because of Sun Siyang.

There were also other Lords who died because of this.

Someone had to bear the responsibility for all of this.


Sun Siyang rolled his eyes.

"I know a very important piece of information!"

"Do you know why the command center wants us to enter the foreign war zone three days in advance?"

"Just because the alien beast horde is stronger than in previous years?"

"I, I know the answer!"