Emperor Beast? End of the Incident_1

It was amazing that he was missing a few teeth and his face was beaten into a pig's head, but he could still talk so smoothly.


Chen Feng stopped in his tracks.

This matter was indeed something that he had always been concerned about and had not understood.

He didn't find anyone in the chat channel talking about anything related to this.

Sun Siyang actually knew the inside story?

The command center had ordered them to enter the foreign war zone three days in advance.

No matter how one looked at it, this was actually a rather hasty response.

However, the command center could predict the time of the alien beast horde by at least a month.

It was obvious that the possibility of the two being related was not high.

There had to be some hidden story, but the command center didn't want to tell the new lords.

He didn't expect Sun Siyang to know the inside story.

"It's related to the Emperor beast."

"Do you know what an Emperor beast is?"

"If you want to know more, then you can…"

After saying this, Sun Siyang shut his mouth and looked at Chen Feng pitifully.

The meaning was obvious.

That was to put him down before he continued.

"Emperor beast?"

Chen Feng seemed to have heard this name before.

He looked at Sun Siyang's face, which had been beaten into a pig's head but was still annoying.

Although he was impatient, he still put Sun Siyang down.

This kind of inside information was not to be missed if there was a chance to hear it.

No matter what Sun Siyang said, Chen Feng would definitely hand him over to the command center.

It's not like he'll lose a piece of flesh by listening to it.

"The Emperor beast is..."

Sun Siyang patted the dust off his body and was about to open his mouth to bait Chen Feng.

At this moment, an extremely powerful aura suddenly approached.

The sun above everyone's head suddenly became even more dazzling.

"My Lord, be careful!"

The goddess Artemis was shocked and subconsciously took out her longbow.

Her reaction was even bigger than when they were ambushed by the men in black.

An intense light suddenly lit up above everyone's heads.

Sun Siyang, who had wanted to say something else, was so shocked that he shut his mouth.

An "Angel" with a pair of wings and a set of cool armor fell from the sky.

It was like the Holy light of the sun.

In her hand was a long sword with a rather gorgeous design. In a trance, she looked like an angel sent by God to the human world.

However, the moment he opened her mouth, he destroyed this atmosphere.

"I'm a member of the public order squad sent by the command center."

"The damage to the protective shield has been repaired, but there are still many alien beasts left inside the protective shield."

"Have you seen any traces of alien beasts?"

A cold female voice sounded.

This "Angel" who looked somewhat fantastic was actually a human?

And a woman at that?

Chen Feng glanced at the military rank on his shoulder and quickly saluted.


The Lords had all entered the military system.

Everyone had the rank of a Captain.

This "Angel" was a major, so he had to address him as "Ma'am".

"I've already caught the culprit behind the destruction of the protective shield!"

"It's him."

Then, he waved Sun Siyang in his hand.

Sun Siyang's face was ashen.

He had thought that he could use inside information to save his life.

However, he did not expect the people from the command center to come so quickly...


The angel was slightly surprised.

She didn't think that it would be such a coincidence that the two people she met upon entering the foreign war zone were actually related to the destruction of the protective shield?

Chen Feng didn't hold anything back. He told her everything he knew and suspected Sun Siyang of doing.

He believed that the command center would be able to get more information by bringing Sun Siyang back for interrogation.

In any case, Chen Feng had not done anything wrong in this matter.

On the contrary, he was the victim.

Moreover, he had caught Sun Siyang among them, which was considered a meritorious act.

The command center shouldn't be too harsh, right?

Sun Siyang was tied up and handed over to the other party.

"Then I'll take the prisoner back first."

The matter was resolved right away, and the angel was clearly in a good mood.

She took off her helmet, revealing a rather heroic face.

She was actually quite young, looking to be about 25 or 26 years old. Her short hair was only at her ears, and she looked quite valiant.

She blinked at Chen Feng, saluted him, and put the helmet back on.

"You're Chen Feng, right?"

"You're pretty good, kid."

"I think the command center will contact you again in the next two days."

"When the time comes, you just have to cooperate."

After saying that, she immediately flew up into the air.

Carrying the screaming Sun Siyang, it only took a few seconds for them to fly high into the sky.

When she flapped her large wings, she really did look like an angel.

"..She's so cool."

Chen Feng sighed.

Looking at this lady's appearance, she should be a human and not some other Lord or general.

How could a human have such powerful combat strength and the ability to fly so easily?

It seemed like his understanding of this world was still too little.


The matter was finally settled.

Chen Feng quickly went up to check on the goddess Artemis 'injuries.

He still remembered that in order to protect him, a dart had pierced through her arm.

Fortunately, although the dart was sharp, it was not coated with poison, so it did not affect her much.

Even her wounds had started to heal.

This degree of injury could be healed very quickly by returning to the territory's wonder.

According to Artemis, there was a hot spring in the Temple of Artemis.

Soaking in the hot spring inside would have a strong recovery effect for any injury.

After going back and taking a soak, he would be cured in half a day.

Chen Feng was tempted.

He didn't care about his injuries.

This was a hot spring!

Wouldn't it be great to refresh his mind and relax his tired body?


The incident that happened that night was quickly put to rest under the thunderous response of the command center.

That night, the command center contacted Chen Feng and obtained a lot of evidence from him.

There were witnesses and physical evidence.

Sun Siyang had been arrested and was cooperating with the relevant emergency investigation. The results were out in just a few hours.

The written report was sent out the next day, after all the Lords had their own guesses.

The nature of this incident was very simple. Sun Siyang did not hesitate to destroy the protective shield because of the bet and for his own benefit.

As a result, one of the Lords died on the fourth day.

Although the details were not mentioned, the authenticity of the report did not need to be doubted.

Many people knew what kind of person Sun Siyang was, and it was normal for him to do such a thing.

It was just as Chen Feng had thought.

Sun Siyang's family had not been able to contribute much in this matter.

They even pretended to be dead to avoid getting themselves into trouble!

After finding out the truth of the matter, the command center made a thunderous judgment on Sun Siyang's case.

The death penalty!

And it was executed on the same day!

This was probably to intimidate the other Lords who had evil intentions for their companions.

Furthermore, Chen Feng and the other Lords who had contributed to this incident were given rewards.

Chen Feng didn't know what other rewards the others had received.

However, he was really having a good time this time.

He received a huge amount of compensation!