Necessary Skills

Proofread By Thomas F. 10th Feb 2025.


Two days have passed since the party, and everything is going well. The Nielson, in particular, is doing an excellent and fast job.

Yesterday, they spread a cloth over the building, blocking the view so that people from outside couldn't see the changes.

Thankfully, they had created a small hole in the cloth through which I could see from the window.

I watched through the window as one of the gates opened. The man, who looked to be in his early forties, walked inside hesitantly, guided by one of the mercenaries standing at the gate.

I looked out for a few seconds before returning to work, which gave me a slight headache.

There is a pressing financial issue. I thought nearly nine thousand imperials would be enough to implement my plans, but when I looked at the list in front of me, this did not seem to be the case.

Only after coming here did I realize I needed to expand the list of things I needed to do, and the money I had was not enough.

Unfortunately, I can't postpone them. These things are essential; I need them before the establishment opens.



I was working on the list when the door opened. Carla walked inside, sporting her usual faint, seductive smile, which promised a thousand delights.

"They have arrived," she said; I nodded and followed her out of my office.

As I walked out of the corner tower, I saw workers everywhere, working on the changes I had asked their guild to make.

There were not only simple workers but also artisans doing the delicate work; it was mesmerizing to watch them work, and if I had time, I would have watched them for hours.

Soon, we reached the first floor, which had completely transformed. Nearly all the rooms had been destroyed, and a vast hall had been created.

Currently, no one is working in the hall, but eight people are sitting there. Some looked fine, while others looked visibly uncomfortable, which is understandable considering this is not where they usually come to work.

"Please sit, all of you," I said to them as they stood up as I appeared.

There are six women and three men, all of various ages, from the early thirties to the late seventies. They are all teachers I am hiring for the girls. They all belong to different fields and teach the various things the girls will need to work in the establishment.

We needed thirteen teachers, and nine came. We have also found the other four, but they are not present in Greltheaven. They will come tomorrow from Deerpond.

"Hello, I am Remus Silver," I introduced myself. "Master Silver," some said back nervously, while others said confidently.

"You all are excellent teachers with good records, and I hope you will teach the girls here without any prejudice at heart," I said as I looked at each one of them.

"I don't know about others, but you will not have any problem with me," said a grey-haired old woman who looked to be in her late sixties but was actually in her eighties.

One could live relatively long and appear younger if one deposits enough points into vitality or has a specific class.

"I expect nothing less from you, Miss Elme," I told the older woman. I have paid a good price for this woman, more than any of them. She is above level 25 and has decades of teaching experience, and her reviews are also great. I was pretty surprised when I read her qualifications.

People of her level and expertise usually prefer the big cities where they get more clients.

I talked to the teachers briefly and helped ease their worries before returning to my office while Carla collected the girls.

Their lessons would begin immediately.

I would have preferred that the girls had learned from these teachers for at least three months, but I do not have the money or the time.

They had five weeks to learn, and after that, the establishment would open, and how it would do will depend a lot on how much the girls learn from the teachers.

Soon, I reached my office and continued with my work, reviewing the prices from the quotes that different merchants had sent. Since I needed to buy many things, I compared the quotes to find the best prices, as every penny I saved could be used for other things.

The day passed quickly; aside from working till lunchtime, I went out into the city to meet a few people I had made contact with at the party, especially Harwood. Their prices and goods were the best, and I would need to close the deal quickly if I wanted the goods delivered in time.

I returned late in the afternoon and watched how the lessons were going before working till dinner and working again for a few hours.

Tomorrow is a little busy; I have to attend another banquet at another merchant's house. So, it would be better if I did a bit more work today, as I will not have any time tomorrow evening.


It was eleven at night, and Carla sent off the group of teachers before walking back inside the mansion.

The teachers are putting in long hours, which is one of the job conditions, and I am paying above the market rate for their services.

She walked inside the basement toward the girls' quarters; she expected them to be tired and sleeping, considering the number of lessons they had attended; she personally had attended a few and was feeling a little tired.

"Well, it seemed like a day's worth of lessons is nothing for you girls," said Carla as she walked into the small common room, which was filled with chatter.

"We are whores Carla; we don't get tired easily," replied Ina with a smile, but it was no self-deprecating smile that donned her face when she referred to our profession; instead, it was a smile of joy. "Though, it was an exhausting day," she added.

"Then I guess there are no complaints about the teachers?" she asked, and in return, she had got the looks that told her she had not needed to ask that question.

Remus has asked me to ask the girls questions; they could still be changed if they have problems with any of the teachers or do not like their teaching method.

"Mistress Elme had hit me?" said Delia courageously, a sixteen-year-old girl, "Then you shouldn't have called her an 'old hag,' Delia," replied Margaux, whoshut up the girl and put a smile on the face of the girls.

"Although that old woman is really scary, even I was hit a couple of times by her," said Margaux and squirmed uncomfortably in her seat. The bottom is the favorite part for that old woman, leaving one with a stinging pain without leaving a mark.

"Some of the lessons are great, but some seemed pretty useless," said Mina, the brunette in her mid-twenties. "I mean etiquette, and seductions seemed pretty useless, especially seduction, which is our forte,"

Hearing her words, a big smile couldn't help but appear on Carla's face. If it had been two days ago, she would have had the same questions, but yesterday, she saw the plan.

Remus finally showed her the complete plan, which was audaciously grand. It also made her understand how desperately the girls need to learn those things.

"Those two skills you all will need the most, and I hope you all learn with the utmost diligence," she said seriously before turning to Mina.

"The seduction is different from sex, and I tell you all, it will be extremelyimportant." "Most of you already have skills related to that; try to finesse them with the teacher's help," she added and truly hoped the girls would listen.

"I enjoyed today's lessons very much; there are many things I wanted to learn but never got a chance to until now," said Margaux emotionally.

"Me too," replied Carla with a sigh.

She is pretty jealous of the girls. Due to her busy schedule, she cannot take many lessons like the girls. So, she attends only a few that are necessary for her. Remus has already given her a list of things she needs to learn.

She chatted with the girls for a while, and soon, their loud voices became lower. Their obvious tiredness began to show on their faces, but even the tiredness couldn't wipe away the brimming happiness in their eyes.

The girls did not need to say it, but she could see how happy they were about the lessons they had received; many of them wanted to learn these things, but they had never got the chance, and now they have got it, she knew each and every one of them would give their all in learning.

"All right, girls, into your bunks now; from tomorrow on, your lessons will begin in the early morning and will end at midnight, so get as much rest as you can," she said loudly, and the girls got up from their spot one by one and went toward their rooms.

Within a minute, everyone left except for Margaux and her. "Carla, thank Master Silver for this wonderful opportunity," said Margaux softly.

"You can tell him that yourself when you meet him," I replied, which brought a small smile to her friend's face.

"I will," said Margaux and walked out of the common room; she watched her friend leave before walking toward her room.