Misery 4

As she made her way toward the coffee shop's exit, she didn't even turn around. William gave her a blank stare as he turned to face her back. He appeared to have just awoken from a dream. As they left the cafe, he hurried after her.

They arrived at a peaceful park together. There weren't many people in the park because the sun was at its peak in the sky. There were at most a few elderly individuals strolling around the park quickly during the quiet hours. Sophia and William distanced themselves from the elders.

Sophia looked at William.

Although her boyfriend appeared betrayed, he still had a hopeful expression on his face as he gazed at her.

But on the other hand, she had no remorse.

Sophia gazed at her boyfriend while shifting her weight to one leg.

"I'm going to repeat what I said earlier, we're breaking up whether you like it or not."

He had not misheard, as was to be expected. William's expression grew frantic.

"Are you breaking up with me because I don't have any source of money now?"


William stopped talking.

Sophia didn't hold back her words when she spoke the truth, and the impact of her words cut straight to his core. He wanted to find some justification. He tried to speak, but nothing came. He was aware of the kind of circumstance he was in.

Human life was deemed to be more valuable than money in society. But nobody really believed that. This is a world full of materialistic greed. The fate of a person could be decided by millions of money.

There was a moment when he had thought that Sophia's parents, who were quite wealthy, would assist him. However, he quickly abandoned such hopes.

The parents of his girlfriend couldn't easily help and give him money even if they were wealthy.

After giving it some thought, William saw that Sophia's decision was unavoidable.

He was unable to maintain his composure, though. He could not simply abandon her. His boss had betrayed him, and his gaming career went down. He had only his girlfriend, grandma, and younger sister left. Only his family remained to him.

"Please just give me some time."

He questioned as if he were trying to force the words from his heart.

He pleaded.

No, he begged.

He created a scene akin to a kid grabbing a toy in a store.

His voice and body are trembling.

"I'm going to start a new gaming career, I'm going independent. I'll do it and I'll make sure to succeed so that I could give you anything you want."

"Don't bother me anymore."

Sophia coldly rejected him once again.

He had the impression that something was being ripped out from inside of him.

The sole thing he could stand on was gone, and he was in an unending, space. He had the impression of being thrown into the depths of hell.

" P-please don't don't say something like that, I will earn a lot of money again. It won't take that long please trust me."

He pondered whether getting down on his knees would help him escape this nightmare. He wouldn't have thought twice about getting down on his knees if it had been possible. He was in such a desperate state.

Sophia, though, maintained her stern demeanor. Not long ago, she gave him a lovely smile. He had heard her lullabies being whispered but now she stopped displaying these aspects of herself.

He had trouble moving his mouth. It appeared as though he had a few bottles of whiskey. But he had a clear head. He might have been able to evade this truth if the drink had affected his thoughts.

"Please don't leave me. You're the only one for me, we've promised that we will marry each other."

William didn't realize that he was already grabbing her dress too tight.

"Let go of me!"

Sophia pushes him away.

His firm hold had slightly distorted her clothing. Sophia gave William a disgusting gaze after this.

"Do you realize how much this costs?"

She placed value on her fancy clothing more than on her boyfriend.

William couldn't process what was happening.

Doesn't she realize what she had done? How could she possibly be concerned about her dress? He was aware of her excessive interest in pricey accessories and clothing, but not to this degree.

"What are you saying? I'm having a hard time helping my family thanks to your social climbing attitude."

" Shut up! How dare you tell me I'm a social climber. First of all, as your girlfriend, you must provide me with everything that I want."

"You bit..."

Before William could completely say what he wanted to Sophia cut her off.

" So now I'm a bitch because you can't sustain my way of living?"

He wanted to say so many things. He wanted to know why she did what she did. He was curious as to what was making her so angry and resentful. He wanted to scream, but he was unable to do so. His throat resembled a traffic jam. It slammed shut. Breathing was difficult for him.

His ears had always heard beautiful nothings coming from her mouth. It was currently spitting lethal poison. She had a loving face, but now it was filled with mockery. He began to doubt whether this is her girlfriend whom he had loved. She was Sophia, though. She was both his girlfriend and the love of his life. He had madly fallen in love with her.

The lovely appearance of his girlfriend now turned into a monster.

"Why do you treat me so badly?"

He had to be informed. He had to hear the truth, no matter how gruesome or painful it was. He posed the query, but his tone lacked conviction.

Sophia immediately responds.

"You have no money."

Her face appeared to be covered in an iron mask. Still, he was shocked by how blatant she was acting.

"Do you want to hear something more depressing? I'm also the one who sabotages your gaming career. I don't know every important detail about your character but I shared everything you save on my laptop and shared it with Mr. Juan."

"What?! Why would you do it?!"

" Don't act dumb, of course, it's about money."

William was so furious that the veins on his neck burst open. Sophia, however, was unaffected by it.

"That game and character is my foundation, I spent my blood, sweat, and tears yet you fucking sell it for money!"

"Don't course at me! Of course, it's not only about money."

Sophia flips her hair sideways.

"You might not realize this because you're quite dumb but I'm going out with Mr. Juan."

"What did you say?!"