chapter 9

When Kyle walked into his living room he saw merlia sleeping on the couch and a thought came to his mind that made him smile a little 'was she waiting for me?'

"Charles" Kyle called out while still staring at merlia who was sleeping peacefully.

"yes sir!" butler Charles answered

"why did you let my wife sleep on the couch?" Kyle asked with a slight frown on his face

"I'm sorry sir, but i told her not to sleep here but she didn't listen and insisted on waiting for you, I couldn't stop her sir, please forgive me" butler Charles apologized.

Kyle ignored him and went towards merlia, he squatted a little, carried her in princess style and went upstairs stairs.

halfway through the stairs, Kyle look down and still saw the butler in the living room

"do you plan on spending the night in my living room?" Kyle asked.

"no sir" the butler replied and quickly Left.

Kyle walked into his room and laid merlia on the bed but he didn't walk away, instead he just sat at the side of the bed and watched her sleep peacefully, he stared intently at her face as if he was trying to memorize it in his head.

"Why are you so soft hearted merlia?, you let them treat you like trash, i can't believe you could make me angry and also make me want to be close to you at the same time" Kyle said to himself but he stilled after realizing what he just said.

Was he falling for her?, no way. he's to proud to even admit that he likes her talk more of falling for her, falling for someone was not even part of his dictionary at all.

He got up from the bed, pulled off his clothes and went to the bathroom to have a quick bath and he soon joined her on the bed as soon as he was done.


merlia woke up the next morning and she was shocked to see herself in their bed.

"the last thing i remember was that, i was in the living room yesterday watching TV while waiting for Kyle and then I slept off, how did I get here?" merlia asked herself suddenly getting confused and when she tried to get up, she felt a large hand holding her waist protectively and when she looked towards the owner of the hands her eyes grew wide.

'when did he get back?... was he the one that brought me upstairs?' endless questions filled up her brains and she just shook her head, trying to get them off.

she went closer to him and studied his face.

'he looks so peaceful and cute when he's asleep' she thought to herself.

She thought his eyelashes was way too long and beautiful to be real. Just when she was about to touch it, he opened his eyes and she was caught red handed.

"what where you about to do?"

"n...nothing, there was something on your face so i just tried to remove it" merlia stammered.

Kyle look at her eyes and then her lips intently for a few minutes and got off the bed

"where are you going?" Merlia asked

"to my study, do you want to come?"

"is that an invitation?"

"you can call it whatever you like, just follow me if you want to come" Kyle said and started walking away while merlia quickly followed him.

On getting to the study, merlia gawked at the sight that welcomed her. His study room was way different from the dull and uncolourful one she had thought, infact it was the opposite.

merlia kept looking around until her eyes fell on a painting brush and equipments.

"you paint?" merlia asked in a shocked tone

He answered "yes i do" and went ahead to pack the documents he cameto arrange, he looked towards the lady in his study and when merlia looked like she didn't believe him he asked again.

"wait, you think because I'm a CEO, I can't do another thing for fun?"

"n... no that's not it, it's just that I didn't think someone like you could paint"

"oh don't underestimate me merlia, I can do more than that and to tell you the truth I'm also very very good in bed" Kyle answered and winked at her.

Her ears became hot at his sudden outburst and she was sure she was blushing right now.

"w... why are you telling me that?" merlia asked embarrassed

"I'm telling you so you won't underestimate me also when the time comes"

"what time are you talking about?" merlia asked

"The time where i will touch you the way i want and f* uk you so hard that you'll scream my name, but i won't touch you without your permission" he said with slight emotions in his eyes that was barely noticed and grabbed his laptop.

merlia scoffed "that day will never come" she said to him but it looked more like she was trying to convince herself and just then a knock came from the door..


Two people can be seen staring at each other at the dinning table, the table between them has been filled with so many food and drinks but no one is willing to take the first step in touching it.

merlia was still puzzled about what he said in his study, and she badly wanted to continue the staring battle but a loud growl distruputed the deafing silence.

'oh great tummy, you finally did it' the voice in her head said.

Not bothering to cover her embarrassment, merlia pick up the spoon and started eating in defeat while Kyle just chuckled inwardly.

"we would be going to my family house this evening" Kyle said indifferently

"why?" merlia asked confused

"because, today is my grandfather's 70th birthday and there will be a grand celebration, so I expect you to look your best and don't worry I'll be sending a make up artist and stylist over to assist you, you are ought to be ready at 6 o'clock at the dot, understood?" Kyle said with a straight face and merlia nodded.

"but, what about the gifts, aren't we going to get him something?" merlia asked because she remembered that when you're invited to a birthday party, you have to bring a gift.

Kyle didn't think of that because he hasn't been to his family house in a long time, talk more of going to any party that was hosted by any members of his family.

"I'll give you my card and the driver will take you to the gift-shop to get whatever you want, I'll be in my study, if you need anything let me know" he said and merlia nodded again.


Later that same day, when merlia went to the gift shop, she was confused about what to get the old man for his birthday because she didn't know him that well and she doesn't know what he likes.

she ended up choosing a set of tea cup which could be very good in taking afternoon tea.

'so much for trying to get a gift for someone' merlia thought to herself.

when she got home that day, it was almost four in the evening and she couldn't find Kyle, then she remembered he said he was going to be in his study

'But isn't he going to get ready for the party also?' she asked herself.

she went upstairs to her room and was surprised to see that their bedroom has been turned to a beauty parlor.

she saw three different people standing inside the room, a boy and two girls. they walked closer to her and introduced themselves one after the other.

"good evening ma'am, my name is Victoria and I'm your hairstylist for today" one of the girls said.

"you're welcome ma'am, my name is Felicia and I'm the one responsible for your dress" the second girl said with a polite smile on her face.

"good evening to the beautiful goddess, my name is Joey and I'm your makeup artist" the guy said in a girlish tone and merlia couldn't stop smiling

"And good evening to you too, you can call me merlia when no one's around" they all nodded at her and then went to have her bath while they prepared the things she'll need.