chapter 10

After she was done bathing, the hairstylist beautifully styled her hair and then the fashion fairy gave her the most beautiful diamond dress she has ever seen with a matching diamond jewelry and a matching shoe, the only thing left undone was her makeup.

"time to work some magic baby" Joey said and immediately got to work. merlia couldn't help but smile.

It was almost 6 o'clock when they finished fixing her up and when she looked at herself in the mirror.

"OMG, is this me?, I can't believe this" merlia exclaimed

"yeah baby, that's my magic" Joey said and if Kyle were there to hear what he said, he would have probably chopped off his head. A knock on the door distracted them.

"it me butler Charles, the master said in should inform you that it's time to come out"

"I'll be down in a minute" merlia replied. They did a little bit of retouching and as soon as she was good to go she carried the gift she bought and went downstairs.


'what the hell is keeping her?' Kyle thought to himself.

He has been standing outside, beside the car since he came back and she hasn't come out since. Just when he wanted to go inside the house and ask her why she was keeping him waiting, she came out from the door and every thing around them stilled.

He eyes was fixated on her, and merlia blushed slightly.

"I thought you were in the house, did you go somewhere?" Merlia asked as soon as she got to him.

"Yeah I just went to the company to drop a few things" kyle replied dazedly, he couldn't take her eyes off her, she was breathtakingly beautiful.

"can we go now?" merlia asked him when he didn't stop staring.

Kyle cleared his throat and opened the car door for her, she got in and he went in afterwards.

The drive to the family house was way longer than merlia expected, she couldn't help but sigh inwardly. The car finally got to a big gate that opened automatically. The car drove into an underground garage and Kyle got out the car. he went to the other side of the car and held the door open for merlia. He gave her his hand and she took it.

"there're supposed to be some reporters and paparazzi but they have been banned from showing their face here, some of my family members might behave a little too rude to you but just ignore them and focus on me okay?" Kyle informed merlia while dey were walking towards the double doors and she just nodded and Intertwined her arms with his.

They walked hand-in-hand like true couples who were really inlove with each other. merlia could hear sounds of music and merriment when they got closer to the entrance.

'looks like the party already started' merlia thought to herself.

The huge doors were pushed open and the couple walked in, everywhere went silent as if the Angels were passing through. the gathered crowd made way for them to pass.

As they matched their way forward, merlia noticed that all eyes were on them.

"good evening grandfather" merlia greeted as soon as they got to where the old man was sitting.

"good evening Lia dear, i can see that Kyle finally brought you to come and see his family" the old man said in an exited tone.

"i guess so grandfather " merlia smiled widely and brought out the gift she bought for the old man.

"grandfather, i didn't know what to get you for your birthday and i didn't know what you would like, i decided not to come empty handed and bought you this" merlia went on to explain herself that even Kyle sighed in disbelief.

'did she really need to do this?' he asked himself.

"it's okay Lia girl, this is the best gift I've gotten in a long time, thank you" the old man thanked her and gave the gift to his butler.

"why don't you introduce your wife to the rest of the family" the old man now said to Kyle who looked like he was annoyed by the fact that he seemed non-existing.

"let's go and see the rest of... my family" merlia was surprised at the sudden change in emotions but she didn't say anything and just nodded. Kyle took her hand and lead her towards a table where many people could be seen, dining and chat, and just when they stood in front of them, they stopped talking.

"merlia meet my father, my mother, my aunt's and uncle's, my nieces and nephews , my cousins are somewhere around and at last my twin sister" Kyle said in one go. Kyle looks exactly like his father but he carried his mother's black hair, kyle had two uncle's and three aunt's who had five nieces and nephews, one for each of them. merlia quietly stared at each and every one of them especially the twin sister.

'she looks so much like her brother, just that she didn't have the cold nature of Kyle but instead she had the opposite' merlia thought.

"family meet my wife?" and as soon as Kyle said that, murmuring came from different corners.

"Big brother, I can't believe you actually came, I missed you so much" the sister came and hugged him.

"and your wife?, she's so pretty, and by the way my name is Kiara" Kiara said to merlia

"thanks for the compliment, I'm merlia" merlia replied shyly.

"oh my baby boy finally came to see his mother?" Kyle's mother said to him while walking towards them but she didn't even spare merlia a glanceand merlia wondered why.

"good evening mother" Kyle greeted politely but he still had the cold expression. He turned towards merlia.

"why don't you go and meet with the rest of the family" he said to merlia and she nodded.

"don't worry, I'll come with you" Kiara said to her and merlia was sure she was liking her already and then they walked away. Kyle's mothers bright smile immediately turned to a frown as soon as they left.

"why did you get married to that girl Kyle?" Kyle's mother asked him.

"Why do you care?, you know that whatever i do is my business and you have no right to choose a life partner for me" Kyle retorted.

"oh really, what about Ariel?"

"you and i both know that we're just childhood friends and i don't have feelings for her, i haven't even seen her for the past three years "

"But Ariel loves you and you know it....and this girl, do you have feelings for her?" his mother asked.

"if i didn't like her, i wouldn't have brought her here and you're the only person who can talk to me like this so you better watch what you say to me" Kyle said in a slightly angry tone.

"well you better prepare yourself because Ariel would be here soon and i gave her hope of becoming your wife " Kyle's mother said and just then, the supposed Ariel walked in.

"speak of the devil" Kyle's mother said and walked towards Ariel to welcome her.

Ariel was a beautiful lady with nice shape and blonde hair, she had that weird smile that annoyed kyle so much.

After the pleasant greeting from the mother, Ariel walked towards Kyle who was just staring blankly at her.

"oh my.... Kyle, it's been so long since I've seen you" she said and hugged him tightly which made him frown, he didn't want to push her away and embarrass her in front of this many people so he just beared it.

merlia who was scanning through the crowd so see if she can find kyle sighed in relief when she spotted him but what got her annoyed was the fact that he was in another woman's arms.

'Don't conclude merlia, don't conclude merlia, don't conclude merlia' the voice on her head said to her as her feet slowly moved her towards them.