Chapter 49: Fighting

Rhiannon's POV

"Are you going to do something about this?" Lauren asked, though her voice was teasing.

"What am I supposed to do about it?"

Another crash. They couldn't tell if it was something else breaking or more thunder.

"I don't know, get in there. They're fighting over you," Lauren shrugged. "It's not how I imagined watching men fight over you, but technically, they are fighting over you."

"Shut up, you're the worst," Rhiannon whined.

Something else broke.

Martha and Lisa were literally shrieking. Lisa was wailing about Rich's arthritis. Martha was shouting at everyone except Lisa. It was impossible to understand her.

"Enough!" Rhiannon snapped.

The room froze.

"Young lady, you are hardly in a position to—" David started.

"Dad, just hold on for one minute. I'm grown. I live on my own. I graduated college. I can make my own decisions. And this is a decision I've made that makes me very, very happy. I'm sorry that you don't like it. But you can't stop me."