Chapter 50: Tomorrow

Rhiannon's POV

Rhiannon took a deep breath and smoothed her hands over the delicate white lace of her dress. The diamond on her hand glittered under the lights.

She stepped through the curtain and out into the room.

"Ew, no, absolutely not," Lauren laughed.

Rhiannon giggled.

"What is it you don't like about it? The chunky sequins? The bows all the way down the sleeves?" Rhiannon joked.

"It's the Edwardian butt pouf, actually," Lauren responded. "You look like an albino lobster."

Rhiannon laughed again.

"Okay, so not this one. I have like six more in there," Rhiannon told Lauren, gesturing towards the dressing room.

Shopping for wedding dresses was harder than she imagined. There seemed to be both infinite options, and only, like, six options. It seemed like so many dresses were just repeats of other dresses with slightly different details. This was the third dress store they had been to this weekend.