Chapter 12: Jealous?

Sage pushed the food around her plate, annoyed by Koa’s conversation. The she-wolf truly was bold and she couldn’t help but admire her for that. Yet her jealousy wouldn’t scare Sage off. Although Sage couldn’t help but consider what she had said.

Luna? Sage didn’t know why Koa would even bring it up if there weren’t a hint of something between her and Caspian. Did Koa know something she didn’t? Why else would she feel threatened by Sage? As she so eloquently put it, she was a witch and could never be with him. It seemed odd to her that Koa felt threatened by her to begin with.

Sage watched as Koa said something again, capturing the future Alpha’s attention. She slid her nails along his arm before pressing herself closer. She glanced at Sage again before Koa reached up and pulled Caspian to her, kissing him and shifting her other hand downwards under the table.