Chapter 13: Harmless Flirtations

This ache that she felt when Caspian was near…she had never felt anything like it before. The feeling was intoxicating. It was almost like she couldn’t stay away. Sage felt it grow unbearable when they were apart. It was somehow only soothed when he was near and yet she questioned her sanity. How could she feel this way toward a shifter? One she hardly knew, too.

Witches and wolves weren’t meant to be together. They had hated each other for generations, and it simply wasn’t done. Even the thought of her coven finding out she was talking to a shifter the way she was, terrified her. Sage had seen witches punished for less.

Maybe what they needed was to get it out of their systems. A quick hookup and then say goodbye.

But Sage had never been a hookup kind of girl. That had always been Nik’s area of expertise.