Chapter 14: White Wolf

Sage wasn’t sure what to wear to a shifter fight so she chose a simple pale silk gown. She made sure to wear her cloak and draw the hood up to hide her face. Being the first witch to be invited in years was sure to gain her some looks from the other shifters. She was hoping she could blend into the shadows and avoid the unwanted attention.

Sage moved quietly and quickly from the tower towards the south forest. She made her way through the trees, on guard in the darkness, until she finally heard the cheering and laughter. The trees parted suddenly to reveal the bonfire, the flames reaching for the sky. Around the fire were shifters, laughing and chatting.

As Sage approached, she paused. Was this a good idea? She felt a spike of fear and nervousness. Being the only witch amongst a ton of shifters might not have been the greatest idea…