Chapter 40: Smoke

Tavin sat on his heels for a long time, utterly exhausted. The contrast after a fight ended was so much sharper than when he still had Hanari’s grace. Had all of them been going through this every time? Valina, Chalea, and even Baelon and his followers? Tavin found himself in awe at just how strong Bloodsold had to be to weather this feeling every time.

He turned his head slowly and examined his surroundings. Smoke still lingered heavily in the air, but the fires had gone out when Hanari vanished and took Aleanna with her. Tavin was thankful for that, at least. Every building surrounding the square had some degree of damage; some worse than others. The whole place smelled like ash.

Tavin pushed himself up, his body heavy, still unsure of what to do. Would he help rebuild?

Gradually, the people of Varenwald started to show themselves with wide eyes and slack jaws, Bennett the first among them. He surveyed the damage, then approached Tavin.

“Are you hurt, lad?” he said solemnly.