Chapter 41: Risk

As the sun set, the large wooden gate to Astelworth creaked open, and Valina helped Chalea shuffle through. She had been worried for her teacher the entire way—she had spent nearly two days trapped in the world of shadows, using her pact’s magic far too frequently. What’s more, she hadn’t even slept for the entire duration, but she still somehow made herself walk.

“We’re finding an inn,” Valina said.

“No,” Chalea started, “There’s too much to do-”

“I know there’s much to do, but you need rest.” Valina’s words were firm. She felt weird being stern with her teacher when it had always been the other way around, but it was necessary. “Tell me what you need done, and I’ll take care of it. I’m in much better shape right now.”

Chalea stopped, gave Valina an appraising sideways glance, then sighed.