See You in the Forest

Amelia's memory was very good. Although there were many things that she could not understand, she could memorize them after listening to them once. She just did not know what they meant. Of course, only Elmer knew that Amelia's memory was astonishing.

The homeroom teacher praised again, "Not bad. Mia, you have to continue working hard."

The homeroom teacher did not think too much about it. She only thought that William had taught her to memorize it when he brought Amelia to eat. The homeroom teacher continued to teach, but Evelyn did not listen at all. Her eyes were filled with disbelief and indignation. Amelia's memorization was clearly not as good as hers, so why did the teacher praise her so much? She had spent a few hours memorizing this poem, but Amelia actually said that she had just memorized it? Wasn't this a lie?