Catching Ghosts

Amelia said, "Brother, let's go and catch a ghost!" With that, she pulled William and ran.

William: "…Wait, wait!" He didn't want to go! He didn't want to see ghosts being caught! It was impossible in this life! However, Amelia was too strong, and William couldn't break free at all. He could only be pulled along by Amelia.

The scorching sun was high in the sky at noon. Although the school's grove was called a grove, it was not small at all. The shade of the trees covered the sky. Usually, many people liked to stay here and enjoy themselves to dissipate the heat. However, William felt that the grove, which was usually comfortable, had an inexplicable cold feeling today. Especially when he stepped into the grove, he saw Evelyn standing not far away with her head lowered. She was slightly bent at the waist and her hands were hanging straight down. When she heard footsteps, she raised her head and stared at them…