Don't Want Such a Father

Five years ago, the Burton family was not among the big families in Buffalo. At that time, the Burton family was still running a business in the coastal area. After the world-shaking gambling and drug-related corporation was eradicated, Michael was among the sacrifices, and it was a first-class merit.

First-class merits were rare in peaceful times. Michael Burton had no descendants or immediate relatives, so the honor brought by his merits fell on his cousin, David Burton. David relied on Michael's merits and the support of policies to soar into the sky and gain a foothold in the capital. It was also because of Michael's merits that the Burton family was arrogant. The only people they could bend down to curry favor with were people related to politics. The goal of the entire family was to enter politics. Unfortunately, none of the children below had passed the public examination in the past few years.