I'm Hitting You

William chased after them. "Wait for me, wait for me!"

Lucas liked silence. At this moment, he looked speechlessly at the three people running forward. Wasn't it just a slide? What was so fun about it?

George was wearing a suit. His figure was tall and straight, and his face was extremely outstanding. He was very conspicuous in the amusement park. Unfortunately, he was too cold and had a straight face. No one dared to approach him. Moreover, he had four children with him…

A girl sighed bitterly. "It's fine if he's so handsome, but the four children he raised are so good-looking! I really want to be a stepmother!"

The girl's companion rolled her eyes. "Wake up. What are you dreaming about in broad daylight?" A cold male god could only be seen from afar and not touched. Countless girls were secretly taking photos with their phones.

George followed behind. A call came in. He looked at the number and reminded Lucas, "Keep an eye on your sisters."