Tell Me

In the car, Andrew asked, "Mia, what's Hell like? After death… how do people reincarnate?" He still couldn't help but want to know what Helena had experienced after death. Now that she had reincarnated, where had she gone…

Amelia was holding Grandpa Turtle and shaking his hand. When she heard this, she tilted her head and said, "It's a long story, so I won't tell you!"

Everyone who was listening: "…" Where did Mia learn to be bad? Their gazes turned to Alex, who was driving.

Alex was speechless. He was originally going back to the Burton family's villa yesterday. When he woke up in the morning, he wanted to send Amelia off first before he went back. If he had known this would happen, he would have left in the morning!

Alex said calmly, "Mia, you can talk about this."

Amelia blinked. Was that so? She remembered everything her master said. She could say it!