Embarrassing, Embarrassing

Eric couldn't help but ask, "Then where… will your mother reincarnate to?"

Everyone in the car could not help but prick up their ears. George pretended to look at the report on his phone, but his fingertips did not move for a long time. He did not even notice that the phone screen on his face had gone out.

Amelia shook her head. "I don't know. There are five reincarnations in front of the Soul Return Cliff. One is the Divine Path, the second is the Human Path, the third is the Beast Path, the fourth is the Hungry Ghost Path, and the fifth is the Hell Path… Master said that Mommy will be very lucky. She should have a super good reincarnation."

George and the others were puzzled. Andrew asked, "Isn't it the Six Paths of Reincarnation?"

Amelia imitated Elmer and wagged her finger seriously. "No, no. Daoism is the Five Paths Reincarnation. Buddhism is the Six Paths of Reincarnation."

The Waltons: "…" They didn't understand.