Living Dead

Amelia held her two brothers on both sides and reminded them like adults, "Brother William, Brother Lucas, what are you going to say to Eldest Aunt when you see her later? What if Eldest Aunt doesn't come with us?"

William and Lucas were silent.

Amelia looked back and quickly changed the topic. "Sister flirtatious ghost just said that the coffin was nailed up. I'll open it later."

After passing through a long passageway, the three children quickly arrived at the depths of the bomb shelter. This was a relatively open area. The ceiling of the cave was much higher, about three meters. Vines that liked dark environments crawled all around, and there were all kinds of yellow and red talismans stuck around.

At a glance, there was nothing here.

Lucas thought that the flirtatious ghost was talking about a coffin inside. He didn't expect it to be buried underground. The mouth of the coffin without a coffin lid was level with the ground…