Sensing Danger

Elmer looked at Ling. "The Yager family probably used this kind of zombie powder to turn her into the living dead. There are records in Haiti that the living dead who turned into zombies have recovered their vitality."

Amelia asked hopefully, "So Eldest Aunt is still alive?"

Elmer shook his head and didn't reply. This kind of thing was hard to say. He wasn't sure what methods the Yager family had used, and she had been nailed here for so long… She might still be alive, but even if she was saved, she would only be a walking corpse.

Lucas clenched his fists and almost crushed the talisman in his palm. Finally, he said, "Let's… let's get her out first." He was also shocked. Before this, he had resisted having a mother who had abandoned them. He did not expect to see her nailed here now. Moreover, he and William did not know what had happened back then.