Let Her Go Today

After Mrs. Walton finished speaking, she looked at George. "Who recruited this intern? How? Is their brain muddled? Such a person is placed in the customer service department?"

George nodded. "Erik, get the human resources department to come over and pay this month's salary. Let her go today."

When everyone heard this, they felt good! This should be the outcome!

Jen was really flustered now. The Walton Corporation was not easy to enter, and the benefits and treatment were very good. After leaving here, where could she find such a good company?

"President Walton, I was wrong. I was really wrong." Jen suddenly knelt down and crawled towards George. "I'll kneel down and apologize to you. Can you forgive me? I know that I broke your watch and caused you a huge loss. I've asked about the repair fee. They said that it costs 700,000 to 800,000…" She choked. "Please let me stay. I'll work hard to pay you back. I'll pay you back every month…"