Tell Me, How Did You Die?

George, Mrs Walton, and Amelia all left and went upstairs.

The supervisor of the customer service department glanced at Jen and said calmly, "Go pack your things. Then come to me to get the form and settle your salary in the finance department."

Jen still wanted to say something, but the supervisor said coldly, "The Walton Corporation won't mistreat any employee, even if it's an intern. But if you don't know what's good for you, I can still make the decision to deduct this money." She threw Jen an expression that said, "Go ahead and cry."

The surrounding employees did not plead for Jen. After all, they were afraid of her and were afraid of being pestered by her and crying endlessly. Jen could only sob and cry as she returned to the office to pack her things. She begged the person beside her, but as soon as she opened her mouth, the person beside her turned his head away, as if he did not want to talk to her.