ZET has awakened

'The HELL!?... what's with this feeling that this kid is giving me...'

Bane thought, seeing the spectacle before him.






That's all Bane could hear. White electricity flowing from the kid, looking at Jin with a bit of awe.

The kid had changed, his hair spiked up forming four horns, as well as his eyes becoming a shade of amber-ish yellow eyes... His shirt disappeared, leaving his torso, revealing how pale his skin had gotten compared to before.

Still, he could make out a bit of color.

Yet, through all the beatings he took, the child gave bane a sharp glare... The stare the predator gave the prey... and bane felt that he was the prey.

'Tsk! I can kill the kid. Forget carrying him back alive...'

Bane, ignoring his instincts, charged at Jin, still testing the waters, not wanting to go all out if he doesn't need to.

"HARGGHHHHH!!" Bane shouted.

Swinging at Jin. He hit him again, using the same amount of force as before.


He saw the kid's body get flung again across the forest.

'Looks like I was worried about nothing...' Bane thought.








Seeing the kid's arm visibly shattering, bending in multiple ways, it immediately started reforming at breakneck speeds.

'So his recovery got amplified... It only makes this more fun' Bane thought.








After recovering, Jin got up. Dashing towards Bane as if nothing happened, only... much feral than before...

'What the?... Did he get even faster or something!?' Bane contemplated.

'Thats... impossible...' He thought, shrugging.

Hitting Jin in the stomach once more.




"Give it up, kid. You're never going to beat me, so you might as well give up now... and die quietly, so I can have some fun, later..."

Bane stated, snickering psychotically...












Bane looked towards Jin once more, his wounds recovering, with his features getting even angrier than before... he was sure he could hear a faint growl from the boy ahead of him...

Once again, Jin charged at Bane. This time, bane, could feel the difference in speed. Throwing a blow at Jin, surprising to bane, Jin dodged.

Landing a counter into Bane's stomach, but that wasn't enough.

With that. Bane threw a counter with more than twice the speed and power than before... intending to kill Jin with it.


His blow launching Jin through multiple trees again.

'That should kill the kid... But I was sure of it... he was getting stronger and faster...'

'I made sure to destroy his spinal cord with that blow... There's no way he can come back from that alive'

But. Moments later. He heard electricity once more.


Bane spun around, hearing a growl.

'No way... h-he survived that!?'








[3569.21%... Second milestone reached... transformation potency multiplied by 2x]




This time Bane saw the same child he killed... he thought he killed... only to see him going through another metamorphosis. He witnessed as Jin's body becoming completely white as well as his hair disappearing, now forming real horns instead.

His skin morphing into a kind of armour too...

He saw Jin's face contort with pure rage... animalistic rage. His mouth salivating profusely as if hungry... or wrathful...

'Some things changed...' He thought, that feeling... fear... it was present once more, and now he won't be holding back.

He knew that if he didn't go all out, there would be problems...




"A persistent little bugger, aren't you?... I've had my fun kid, it's time to DI-"

Bane said, pausing immediately. Seeing Jin disappear, leaving a trail of lightning...




'What the hell!? Where did the little SHIT, g-'





In the next moment. Bane screamed, feeling massive pain in his abdomen, flying across the forest area, creating a huge crater when he landed, coughing up blood in the process.


In the next moment, Jin appeared, kicking him across the face, knocking his mask off, knocking bane out instantly in the process...

With another burst of speed. Jin, with an animalistic glare, readied a strike with his hands. Ready to kill and pierce Bane in the heart...


*Thump *Thump

*Thump *Thump *Thump...




In the next moment, with his heart pounding, he felt the burden being placed on his body from the overload of so much power...

Stopping in his tracks instantly, falling unconscious, de-transforming.


'My eyes feel so heavy... M-my head...'

Holding his head, he slowly remembered what had happened.

'OH NO! MOTHER. THE KIDS!!!' He said, slowly turning to head out of the forest, only to see Bane knocked out, with his face mask off and jaw seemingly shattered.

Numerous thoughts ran through his mind, wondering why bane was out cold...

"What... happened here?..."

[...Would you like me to answer that question, host?]


Jin couldn't remember what happened after he was knocked out, only that he and rest of his family were in danger...

[Log and events calibrating... commencing compilation and summarization of events and gains...]

[Host was able to awaken 'ZET', after awakening into 'ZET', host was able to slowly increase in power due to the nature of the transformation... Thus unlocking the first 2 milestones for the form and gaining additional abilities in the process... Keep in mind that all abilities gained will be shown in their current state regarding the levels, as well as the stat increases...]

[Gains after the ordeal are;

(NEW) Battle Tactician lvl-3/5: Increases strategical thinking capabilities when in and out of battle by +40%. (Each level adds+10% in how good the tactic is compared to before)

(NEW) Bronze-Bones lvl-3/10: Increases Health modifier and defence from all physical types of damage by +25%. (Each level adds +5% to the modifier)

(NEW) Enhanced Dynamic vision lvl-2/5: Enhances your eyesight by +30%. (Each level adds +10% to the modifier)

Mid-Regeneration lvl-10/10: Your body is capable of mending wounds extremely quickly and it is also capable of regrowing limbs within weeks. (Each level increases efficiency by +10%)

Basic-Body Conditioning lvl-100/100: After practising physically intensely or undergoing arduous training, you gain +255% more STR, VIT, and AGI. (Each level adds +2.5% to the bonus in physical stats)

Minor Evolution lvl-5/5: Your body is capable of evolution faster due to your bloodline, only to minor degrees, such as building additional resistance to poison, paralysis, fire, etc...


+130 VIT

+ 3 MIN

+ 25 AGI

[All calculations are complete]




'HOLY!.. How and why did I get so strong? Does getting a massive beat down the new meta or something?'

He thought, astonished by his growth in strength and other stats.

Thinking that this 'amp', was seriously unrealistic...

Checking his stats, he wanted to see the change, while running back to the others...





NAME: Marcus James (Jin Strife)

AGE: 5 Years

BLOODLINE: Human (50%), Player (50%)

ZET-Form: 0/4375.5%

Berserk Meter: 0/100%

HP: 4706.25/4706.25 (VIT x 6.25 +1.25 from modifier) ( 2% Per Sec)

MP/EP: (Locked)

STR: (1,795kg)> 6,372.25kg <( +4577.25kg from the modifiers)

VIT: (212)> 753 <( +541 from modifiers)

MIN: 38

AGI: (100)> 355 <(+255 from the modifiers)

INT: 132

LUC: 3





My body felt as if it was feather.

My body strength was overflowing...

'...I need an explanation for this... Such an increase would be comparable to a zenkai by itself, if not just a little weaker...'

Seeing the orphanage in sight, and the others, I was relieved...

By making it to the orphanage swiftly.

Seeing that mother was awake as well as some of the kids, with no one gravely injured, other than the little girl...

'Let's not... think about that part Jin...'


I called out to her, wondering how I was going to explain my appearance...






