Another Genius and Research

A week of school was... EXTREMELY boring. I wanted to wait a year for Richard adapted to the school, but it was way too much. For even me.

But I discovered someone who would make that hurdle much better than normal. (Oracle/Barbara). She kept her genius (obviously), and it was apparent. She was extremely intelligent, it kinda shocked me because someone like her decided to stay here to learn things she's most already grasped...

While, throughout this week alone, I have been abusing the classroom for learning pretty much anything, and it was truly overpowered... Its benefits became apparent quickly. For this week alone, I got a breakthrough of over 10 INT. This was because of the increment effect of my passive and the bonus of the Classroom.

Which leads me back to Barbara. Barbara, was still a genie when it came to the computer/laptop. Every time she brought it to school and did her own thing, I could barely keep up... initially, and it makes sense.

She was one of, if not the best computist in DC comics, and she had the efficiency to give loads of info to hundreds of heroes within minutes. Known or unknown, and that feat was incredibly impressive...

And she was only 7, now. This really shows that I wasn't really 'ahead' in this world, which I already knew, but seeing it in person was another thing. However, while she had one or two strong suits, I was more of a 'jack of all trades type', a more of a 'complete' one, though.

Even then, I couldn't keep up with her initially. But, I slowly got used to it. Hell, I even got a passive called 'Super computing' just from watching her and learning what she does. Crazy. I know. Moving on.

It essentially boosts my learning rate when on the computer, as well my coding efficiency, if I tried to do it (coding)...


"You know, Richard... it's pretty hard for me to be here. I'm not really gaining anything."

"I know, right? I can skip up to 5 grades if I want. And probably still not have much issues, and that's mostly because of you, Jin." Richard said.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Barbara said, appearing from behind Jin.

"First, don't do that again.. Second, we were talking about potentially skipping grades... these classes are too easy for us, especially you as well. You are far more intelligent than Richard here, no diss to you Richie'. Barbara, trust me, you are way ahead of your peers. I can argue you getting into college and not have much issues there." Jin said.

Barbara looked a bit saddened, then she responded.

"I know... but my dad refused the last time I got the opportunity to skip grades. He said and I quote 'You need to make friend your age sugar'. He gave me the puppy parent eyes, so I couldn't refuse." Barabara said.

'It isn't too far off from what 'he' said,' Jin thought, a little upset.


Bruce was sitting and working on his latest model of the bat-suit, going through multiple hard materials to use. However, he suddenly shivered for some unknown reason.

'... Why do I feel like someone is extremely upset at me?... It must be my imagination...'


So how about this? We all stay another 6 years here together, then we can skip grades. Barabara, you should be old enough for your dad to trust you a bit more.

For Richard here... let's just say I'll get him up to par... do we all have a deal?"

Richard then shivered at the thought of Jin's demonic training.

Barbara looked thoughtful, but she smiled.

"Deal!" she said enthusiastically.




The rest of the day, things went normally. Bruce came to pick us up. And such.

Next thing I was doing over the year was researching the 'venom' that were present in this world. With the Nova's help, we both had an idea of what we wanted to do with this 'serum'.

It was based primarily based on the super soldier serum from marvel. And so far, in theory, it had the capabilities of giving greatly enhanced strength, speed, far greater mental acuity and removing some of the body's limits...

Which is why it was taking so long to create in the first place... we weren't trying to make the same thing, we were trying to improve on it vastly, and that's why it was going to take years to complete, but the smarter I got the smarter the Nova got too, which sped up the process by a couple of months at best.

However... we still needed the venom Bane used as a blueprint for it all.

Looking for it over the web was tedious, since we couldn't find it anywhere, but me and nova saw traces of it being left online. This also meant whoever was hiding it was far better than even me in 'hacking'. Though, I started 'hacking' around 2 weeks ago, and I have gotten far more proficient in it

"I need to find other zones than school... imagine what a laboratory can give me? Or potentially a gym..."

Anyway, that would be for another time. I still had a lingering question regarding a certain place. It was the dungeons; I haven't heard of it since god sent me here. I still don't see it anywhere on my Hud... but I won't pry... I don't really need it since I wont be gaining any levels.

'I guess... I'll have to do 'that' now...'






