A Cruel Day

~ Omni Pov, at Jin's Home ~




When Jin flew home and entered, he just took off the mask he wore and clothes, and went straight for the shower. He turned on the hot setting for the shower, wanting to relax his muscles...

"Two women... one night... How am I going to go about this?... I simply can't fathom how Bruce does it. His sense of 'love' must be... never mind that jin... I can't just pull a Bruce or Richard, I need to find a way to reject Barbara... but to reject her after all this time feels like a hit to the gut." Jin said, speaking while reasoning out-loud to himself.

However, an unexpected 'person' was thinking about something else entirely...

'[...It hurts... I can't let him dwell on that woman any longer. I must tell him, but... he would be in pain...]' Thought Nova...

[...Sorry to interrupt you host... but I think it's best to agree to her/Barbara's confession... I think it's time for you to move on from your old love... You will never be able to see her again anyway, and wallowing for something so long... Please heed my advice...] Nova stated.

"...I cant just move on Nova... She was the only woman that brought meaning to my life... the only woman I had eyes on throughout my entire life... I'll... figure out another way to solve this little issue I have, thanks for the input I guess..." Jin said, a little uncomfortable at the topic.

[I didn't want to say this host... but I think it's time I tell you...]

"What would that be? Let me guess, my wife cheated on me? That would be a terrible joke." Jin said, trying to lighten up the situation.


[Yes... yes she did...]

"... What? What do you mean? How could you know that? Listen... cut it out Nova. This isn't funny, I'm serious." Jin said, a little irritated.

However, Nova wasn't really the type of joke...

[... I am not joking... Jin... god told me to tell you this because of this issue you might have 'moving on', so he told me to tell you when the time was right... and that moment is now... Your wife was simply not as innocent as you claimed her to be... as much as I don't want to say it...] It pained her to tell this to her master... but, she knew it was time for him to know...

Jin said nothing... His mind was in disarray. His own wife cheated on him? That's impossible. Why love him then? Those questions were in his mind, but Nova didn't want to stop there.

[She cheated on you with your co-worker... Jacob... The relationship started a month after your marriage... You even had suspicions yourself, Jin... those days when she went to her parents, family and even on your work days as well... She cheated on your as much as she could, even until your last days... a wee after your passing sh-]

"Not... another... WORD!" Jin shouted, his aura unleashing destroying the shower as it was. He was saddened and angry.

His mind couldn't imagine that scene... the thought of it even made him regurgitate whatever he had earlier.

Since his mind was so powerful, he could keep a calm state, but he was barely holding onto his bearings.

He breathed in and out... trying to assess what Nova had really said.

"The missed calls... the days off... could it be because we couldn't have a child?Was I not man enough? Why would she do this to me? Why marry me to just leave me so suddenly?... I did everything for her!" Jin said, with vitriol in his voice... His anger reaching a new, all-time peak... even with years of meditation, he was feeling the anger take control.

[...Ho-Jin... please... I know it's sudden... but please calm yourself, don't let the thought of her in this life bring you distress... I know you loved her host... it saddened me greatly when god told even me. I can't fathom how it must feel for you...] Nova said, trying to appease the situation.

Jin, however, said nothing. He finished showering. Got another set of clothes and exited the house. Nova was simply watching what her master would do next...

In the next moment, Jin activated his zet form, now complete with its four additional wings, visor and tail. However, a dark aura filled with red and black electricity exuded off his being with the aura signifying pure fury emanating from his very soul...

His zet meter, rising slowly but surely...

He then flew off into the stratosphere and beyond. Unknown to where he was even headed...





~ A couple days later, Barbara's Pov ~

'Jin hasn't contacted me for a week now... Did he run off again? If he won't come to be... I'll go to him... he can't ignore me forever.'

"I'm heading out, guys. See you in an hour or so..." I need to not be suspicious... especially around Richard.

With that, I left the room and headed to where Bruce was... He would tell me... he has to.

As I walked to the top of the building, I entered the room, closing the door behind, ensuring no one could enter until I was done... However, I saw Bruce using the most powerful telescope known to man...

He looked intently, clearly trying to see what was going on. But that wasn't my issue for now, Jin came first.

"Bruce... we need to talk... It's about... Jin."

Bruce stopped what he was doing entirely, looking at me.

"...I've sent the coordinates to where he lives... tell him he should visit his pops more..." Bruce said, with a stern yet easing tone.

"...When did you find out that I knew?" I asked him seriously.

"... A hunch... and the surveillance system, and don't worry, I deleted the footage of you both speaking, so only me and you know... You can thank me later." Bruce said, peering through the telescope once more.

'Hmph... he's gotten soft...' I thought...

"Thank you Bruce, seriously..." I said, leaving the room. Now knowing I had a small smile on my face...





~ Batman's Pov ~

"Superman... I need you do me a favor and check on quadrant four in our milky way... there seems to be a large number of missing planets and planets with rather large holes/gaps in them... I'll send the coordinates to your tracker..." I said, peering at the large number of planets gone or even terraformed.

"Sure... but in another hour! The documents I have are piling up like crazy and my boss is being a hassle! Is it okay? I can't be there any sooner!" Superman said, responding loudly. His office being ridiculously busy.

'This is a problem... the sooner the better. I look like I'll have to do that...'

"Luckily, I own the building you work in, I'll make some calls... be there in five" I said to him, hanging up the communicator.

'I just hope it's not an unknown threat, if it is, it's powerful...'









