A Strong Being





'I wonder what's out here that he had to make a call to get me here.' Superman thought, flying through the expanse of space, almost reaching his destination.

As he flew faster, he started to see debris of planets around the area. He got the feeling that something was amiss.

'Oh... my... god... Who or what could have even done this?...' Superman thought, viewing the many planetary sized debris, some larger than even earth, with planets bigger than Jupiter having large holes, burrowing within them.

'I need to contact Batman, he needs to see this for himself...' Superman said. Pulling out his communicator, turning on its visual call mode.

"How does it look..." Batman said, straight to the point.

"Its worse than whatever you thought, I see hundreds of planets decimated... if I were to describe it, it seems like a rather powerful being had some temper issues, or it's a being aimlessly destroying planets for no reason, that's the best I got... Either way, it looks like a planetary cataclysm..." Superman said, still awed at the amount of power such a creature had, but he was sure he could deal with it.

"It is worse than I thought... Try to find whatever did this... see what intentions it has, if it doesn't you know what to do." Batman said. Turning off the communicator.


~ Omni Pov switch with Jin ~

[Jin, it's time to stop this... You have caused far too much harm to the surrounding planets... I think it is best you lay low for a while... Take a break and do the things that make you happy]

"...You are right Nova... I'm sorry for acting so pathetically... I'll stop..." Jin said depressingly, with dried tears on his face, his eyes a bit swollen... yet his expression was pained with a bit of anger lingering.

As he turned to leave, He saw something, rather... someone flying towards him. With the being getting closer, Jin found himself being hit with a wave of nostalgia from one of his favorite superheroes...






'I think I've found the culprit...' Superman thought.

Using his x-ray vision, he inspected the being ahead of him...

'Whats with him?... Him just standing is making him stronger?... his muscles are constantly expanding and compressing, while getting denser and more explosive... the increments are there, just very miniscule... could he be a kryptonian as well? No... that's impossible! His appearance and musculature says otherwise... but the only way to describe that level of growth is with kryptonian traits being close to the sun...' Superman thought and reasoned.

Jin, however, didn't know how this would go... but what he knew was that they both couldn't communicate in the vacuum of space. That's literally impossible, since sound doesn't travel in space. So this would be hard. But he hoped superman would be as understanding as he is portrayed in the shows...

'How do I go about this... should I just knock him out? No... that would be difficult. My instincts are telling me that this would be a troublesome thing to do... It's always one thing after the other...' Jin thought.

Superman thought the same. He sensed intelligence in Jin's eyes. He wasn't foolish... but he wasn't sure how he would speak to the being in front of him. So he opted to go and shoot his shot... slowly. He flew closer, putting his hands up, signalling peace. Flying ever so closely.

'...Does he think I am some kind of animal or is he trying to come in peace...? I honestly feel like it's both...' Jin thought. Cringing a little.

But Jin thought of something else. Since he was still depressed a bit, there was another way he could relieve himself... A damn good fight.

Superman, on the other hand, simply saw the being smile before his own body got flung into a nearby planet...


'What the!? He's fast!' Superman replied, seemingly uninjured, but surprised at the being's random burst of speed.

Jin, however, didn't want to go easy on the man of steel, none of his attacks would work on superman, he's at best continental in base while very small planetary while transformed without his additional abilities, with them however, he was equal, at least... he thought so...

Superman, with Jin's own estimation, was sitting comfortably at extremely large planetary in pure raw power, possibly much higher, which is more than a million up to a billion times difference in pure potency between them...

But unfortunately for Jin, superman wouldn't take that attack face down. Superman quickly charged back at Jin, who could now barely react to Superman's unknown increase in speed.


That could be heard if there was no space, as Jin took the thunderous blow with full force, his arms shattering completely while he is sent into the planet below them. Creating a large crater...

'Shit! He must have been holding back earlier. He really did a number on my arms too!' Jin thought, but this didn't deter him. No. It only made his blood boil with excitement. The thrill of death, battle, war... It was like something 𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙙 it within his very DNA, his inner 'ZET', crying out for a thrill...

'He's tough, I'll give him that. He managed to take that blow well...' Superman thought.

Jin, however, welcomes the beat-down. His body healed and got stronger from such things and his Zet percentage was rising according to his temper and that meter was climbing, and doing so quickly...

Jin got up, even faster than before, however superman noticed this change. It was obvious enough that he could tell... The being he was fighting was growing faster. than before... He saw Jin finally fly back up towards himself.

Now activating a dark-purple cloak around his body, then suddenly, he saw the Jin shot forward multiple times faster than before, sending the man of steel into a new planet, with newfound strength.

Superman, getting tired of this, decided to use more of his spare strength this time. Flying far faster than before, now somewhat matching Jin in speed as they clashed with blows, but Jin still had the raw edge in reaction and finesse. His martial prowess now helping him parry most of Superman's blows as he slowly got stronger...

'His fists are heavy. If I get hit once, I might be out for the count... I need to be faster, quicker and more flexible...' Jin thought, parrying even faster than before. As if in a battle trance...

Superman noticed that every minute or so, his punches would be parried faster with more speed and precision. It was terrifying him a little... If he was any weaker than he is now, this foe would end him... He realized that his opponent was growing as the fight went on, and he would pushed to using more of his latent strength.

As of the moment, the blows he would almost hit were thrown to the side and redirected with deadly precision...

But he thought it was time, he came for what he wanted, it was time to leave...

'It's time to end this, battle before you can grow any more...'






