Maximum Potential Achieved??? P.2 (Finale)

ZET rushed towards superman, his speed and strength more than doubled compared to before. Now superman was actually starting to feel a bit of pain...


Shockwaves traveled through space, decimating the uninhabited planets around them, leveling the larger planets too. This fight did not go unnoticed... Beings of higher levels watched the fight with both curiosity and interest.

Zet flew towards superman as his power kept growing. His martial arts proficiency utterly rendering the strength Superman used, almost useless...

'H-how is it getting even stronger? Does it even have a limit? I need to get to the nearest sun and fast, I can't keep getting pushed, it's only a matter of time that he surpasses me.' Superman thought, not knowing how he else he would deal with an opponent like this.

In a burst of his last remaining power, he rushed towards the closest star in the quadrant, moving faster than what ZET was capable of, for now...

'_Hmmm... running away are we... Think again!_' ZET thought...

But he wasnt in complete control. Jin was watching the fight unfold... He was tired from everything that happened so far, but still fascinated at what he could achieve...




[ZET mode at 257,831.905%]

[Milestone reached... Wingspan has doubled... Amount of wings has doubled... Fists have received harder coating...]





Much changes were made during this milestone... ZET stopped mid-flight, as he felt pain from this new transformation... His wings glowed blood-red before splitting and doubling in width... His fists glowed the same, while protruding a harder and sharper shell around it, effectively doubling his power...

Superman never looked back. Since he was almost close, Superman could feel the effects of the sun from here, just another couple million kilometers and he would reach it... However, Zet had appeared before him, flying at speeds nearly untraceable...

"_it's time to end this, don't you think?_" Zet said. Smiling, showing how sinister it was... his large fangs apparent.

'...I-it speaks!?' Superman thought.

Superman looked on with fear, not knowing what he was going to do now. But the creature spoke... not only that, it spoke English... Which meant only one thing for him; it was most likely from earth...

But the thought quickly left him with panic and fear of the future... He had no options left. He didn't want to die here... he had someone he loved, a planet full of people to protect and a family he always wanted, yet he was going to die...?

"_That looked in your eyes... the 𝙛𝙚𝙖𝙧... it 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚𝙨, me greatly..._" Zet said in a deep voice. Only to make the situation worse for Superman...




Jin watched as his counterpart tortured the man of steel... it wasn't a pretty sight. It was rare to see a man this hopeless, almost on the verge of tears...




[ZET mode at 500,000%]

[Final Milestone reached... All physical capabilities have been doubled... Zet-enhanced vision has been granted... ZET-blast has been granted... To climb higher, a bloodline purity pill must be taken...]




Jin heard the last notification go off. As re-alignment of his body transpired...His body now grew from 2 meters to 2.5 meters, yet still maintaining a rather lean frame...

'Milestone... so my limit has been grasped?... Interesting...' Jin thought. But he had more pressing issues at the moment. Superman was getting completely manhandled presently...

The sun was giving him power, but not enough to turn the tides of the battles, especially after the last milestone. Zet was a monster... he was a monster... but that is for another time...

"_I think I have had my (he smiles), fun... it's time to die..._" ZET stated, smiling.


'I think this time... I need to get my body back... you've had your fun. Now it's time to sleep... ZET' Jin said.


As ZET formed a spear like look with his hand. He suddenly felt an invisible force stopping him in his tracks...

Superman closed his eyes, knowing what was going to come, but. Nothing came... Seconds passed then a minute passed, but the strike never arrived... he instead opened his eyes to something interesting...




ZET on the other hand, felt a force suddenly stopping him, unknown as to what it is/was. A series of thoughts ran through his mind, but he could only arrive at one conclusion...




'_Impossible! Has he gained control that quickly!? *tch*...Very well... it seems as though he doesn't want this fool to die..._' ZET thought. Looking at superman...

"_I'll be seeing you again... man of steel..._" ZET declared, slowly fading away...

Jin's consciousness became more apparent now, his eyes returned to their normal piercing amber, with white scleras...

Jin relished the power he had gained first hand...

'Amazing... this is what I had access to all along? It's terrifying to think I could get this powerful... and I haven't even touched, much less scrape the tip of the iceberg...' Jin thought. Satisfied of himself.




Superman simply stared on with shock. He didn't know what to do now, but he felt as if something drastically changed... he still felt the pressure and sheer aura the creature he fought emanating, yet... it didn't have that lingering presence of sheer death it had exuded a few moments ago...

"What, are you? Since when could you speak? Why even do all of this!?" Superman asked, unsure as to where his confidence came from... Forgetting he himself couldn't speak in the vacuum of space...

However, he saw the visor of the towering creature retract. But that surprised him, Superman's eyes widened... the being in front of him had a gentle smile its face... showing immense satisfaction and thankfulness...

'Why does it look like that? Why does it seem, like I've been used by it?...' Those questions came to his mind...

However, the creature disappeared, then in the next moment. Superman went out cold...




"Sleep." Jin said, carrying the man of steel...




