Returning to earth and hidden Quest?

~ Jin's Pov ~

"He's out cold... I need to return to earth and fast. I've gotten my fair share of relieve..."

Given the trajectory and following that star... I should be there in 1 no, 2 minutes at full speed. Maybe less? I can drop him off near the sun and quickly get down to the planet.


After flying towards earth, re-entering earth's milky way. Jin left superman close to the sun, so that he could wake up soon. Then he quickly flew to earth in less than a second, de-transforming in the process...

"That was an interesting turn of events... I need to head home." Jin said.

He opened his inventory, taking out black T-shirt and blue fitting Jeans pants, putting them on quickly.

[Jin. You've completed a hidden quest... would you like to accept your rewards?]

Jin dawned a confused expression. A hidden quest? When?

'Nova... when did I get this hidden quest?'

[Hidden quests cannot be seen as normal host. Some missions may have hidden 'objectives' but 'hidden quests' cannot be seen in a traditional sense... they can only be completed by chance. And this particular quest was both surviving and/or defeating superman]

Jin nodded, understanding the explanation. 'Interesting... I'll note that... What did I get from said rewards?' Jin said mentally.

[Well... It's a 'spirit bone' host, specifically it is from the 'ice scorpion emperor' and a 'adaptive-gravity room 1-100x', that's it host]

'An adaptive gravity room that goes up to a 100x gravity and, a spirit bone?' Jin thought. He had an idea of what the gravity room did... but not a clue on what the spirit bone had to offer...

'Nova, mind telling me what a spirit bone is?'

[That's the thing host, I don't really know what it is, other than it's from 'Douluo dalu'... I can give the description of the item if you want?]

'...Give me the description,' Jin said, curious.

[Yes, host. Ice Scorpion Emperor Spirit bone- The rib-cage of the ancient ice emperor, that has lived over hundreds of thousands of years. It has an 'absolute ice' affinity, giving its user said affinity, while also cleansing the user's meridians... It also gives the user extremely high poison resistance, complete immunity to normal fire and... absolute immunity to cold/icy temperatures on any degree. Absorb, to acquire its abilities...]


[Host... May I say something to you...?]

'...You may...'

[This item is extremely powerful... to a very. VERY, high degree... it's almost scary... ]

'I know... having absolute-ice manipulation is broken... and complete immunity to it and normal fire is nothing short of overpowered. But it sounds like it's from those Korean or Chinese xian-xia novels... the meridian part gave it away...

However, before they could continue their conversation. Jin saw someone he saw before...

'Shit! It's Barbara! Why is she here?' He thought. Not knowing how she even got his address.

But he calmed himself.

'...Jin... you are almost 50 years old (mentally)... don't make a woman scare you from your own home...' Jin thought, steeling his resolve. Shortly after, he flew down to his home....

Barbara turned around, hearing foot-steps behind her.

Seeing the person she loved, she was a bit startled. "Jin? Where did you... no, never mind that, I came to talk about 'that'... I haven't heard from you in a while, so I came to check on how you were doing. I hope you don't mind the intrusion...' Barbara stated.

"...It's fine Barbara, but who... *he stopped and thinks for a bit*... it was Bruce, wasn't it?" Jin said.

"Yeah... he gave it to me, but I asked him to... I hope you aren't upset, I just... really needed to see you." Barbara said, her tone dropping the with the last few words...

Jin, however, heard everything perfectly... He was a bit saddened, yet happy. Happy that such a beautiful woman was interested in him. He smiled a little unknowingly. Plus, it would be a lie to say he wasn't interested. He was no longer bound to his wife. Now he wanted to live life to the fullest.

"Let's head inside Barbara... we can talk about it in there" Jin said. His heart racing a little.

Barbara simply smiled at the gesture. "Sure, but before that... I need to know how you did all of those things when you saved our asses... I'm dead serious." Keeping her smile, but Jin sensed that something sinister was behind it...

"Hahaha... sure..." Jin responded, sweating a bit.

'Why do I feel like I've bitten off more than I could chew?' Jin thought...


~ 2 Hours worth of explanation later, Jin's Pov~

That was rough... telling her about everything was good, but surprisingly heavy... Still, it's nice having someone love/care for you that much... but I wasn't ready for dating, not yet. I gave it a year then we could go on... Still; she looked a bit pained, but she accepted.

I even told her that I wasn't entirely human... which she knew was obvious, but she still accepted me regardless of it...

Enough of that. It's time to absorb that bone...

I selected my inventory, seeing both the bone and gravity room and many other quest reward items that were useless.

I clicked on it the bone, and it gave me the option of 'absorbing it'...

"Nova... wish me luck..." I said to her.

[Luck has been wished for you, Jin]


Jin breathed in and out, hoping this wasn't going to be painful. He clicked the option and immediately after that; the room lit up.

A pearlescent emerald green color emitted from the bone, its once dull color turned it a majestic glowing emerald vibrant green. Jin tried to move, but he realized he couldn't. Slowly, the bone reached his chest, slowly merging with his very being...

Jin screamed, but quickly held and kept his mouth shut. Bearing the pain in his chest.

'W-why i-is this so... painful!!!???' Jin said in his mind. The pain was unreal... Unknown to Jin, this process would be considered suicide... All users who absorbed spirit bone of this level needed help, yet he had none...

The bone... it was slowly getting deeper... His rib-cage glowing through his skin, the same emerald green the spirit bone was glowing.











The process was now complete... Jin felt as if every crevice of his body felt like it was getting reconstructed... However, the pain slowly dissipated... His body felt at least three times stronger than before...

However, other changes took place... His back now had large and slightly glowing green scorpion tattoo... The edge of his pupils now carrying a toxic yet beautiful emerald green sheen to it.

Jin now felt as if... he was reborn...








