A week to remember...

After the barriers were cast. They both immediately got to work...

Both raven and Jin were releasing primal moans. Eventually screams, because raven couldn't handle the pleasure that coursed through her body...

If one was to go inside the room, it wouldn't be a room anymore. It would be akin to a home that was destroyed and ready for reconstruction...

And that was only the first day. Jin's stamina was seemingly Limitless... Raven was filled to the brim every hour as her body had to force release the cum out of her womb, by bursting it out of every crevice that it could find its way out of...

Jin only growled lowly... as if all the years he seemingly felt nothing, was finally being released in one woman.

All his sexual frustration being handled with open arms.

Raven in her current state loved the feeling of getting dominated...

She relished the pleasure each stroke gave her, as he pulled in and out of her slowly, like a beast with unparalleled technique. Yet with unmatched ferocity.

Raven throughout the days constantly fell out of consciousness because of the pleasure and Jin didn't stop because of that...

She for her time there only cried his name when she was cognitive, obsessively so... as if this was the last time this even was going to happen in her life...

She contemplated the release of her father, but that thought got pounded out quickly by the third day.

She now completely acknowledged Jin as her new master, for all she knew trigon could literally and figuratively, fuck off...

Cum, saliva and sweat filled the room's floors with a musky scent too... it even made the air a natural aphrodisiac...

And as the week went by, she was knocked completely unconcious, with jin unending in his assault on her seemingly lifeless body...

She had her elongated tongue sucked by him as her body got fucked over and over... She squirted thousands of times over the time they had sex, if one could call it that...

And as the week was finished... Both were on the floor hudled up with each other, rather raven was clinging selfishly unto his body.

Jin however was now awake... His mind finally out of the endless pleasure he was feeling, so he stopped...

The scary part was, is that he remembered everything... down to the very last detail...

He prayed she didn't remember...




'How am I going to explain this... Barbara will hate me for ever...' Jin thought.

He looked over at raven's sleeping figure. She looked like she got her word rocked 100s of times over... Her hair was dishevled in all angles, it even had his, essence there...

He admired the demoness for lasting that/so long. He knew that it was quick but, he loved her. He always did... She was his first crush... but it's shouldn't have ever been this way...

And he had no doubt that she felt the same way... her moaning and screaming were enough for that...

Jin got up our of the bed. He felt like he could continue for-ever, but that wasn't the case. He could stay in peak performance for months on end... so he didn't entirely feel any less relieved than how he was hours ago...

Jin got up from the bedroom floor, stained and filled a little with his own cum and raven's own...

'This is disgusting... but I'm a little proud that I can release this much...' Jin thought.

Raven soon got up, after...

He turned towards her...

Her eyes looked tired and flushed, yet filled with immense satisfaction...

She looked towards jin... smiling like a loving wife...

"...That... was amazing..." She said to him. She was telling the truth, from what she could remember, no night of masturbation could beat this...

'He can't leave me... I won't allow it, not after what we've done and what I've felt tonight... I scan still feel my bod-' Raven thought, before getting cut off.

"Oo-oohhhHHH!!~" Raven moaned, cumming a bit.

Jin saw it and a part of him found her even more erotic than before...

'She just came...' Jin thought. His erection returning instantly...

Raven saw this and came again...

'The phantom pleasures... I can't. Stop...' Raven thought.

She blushed tiredly, but her mind was clouded of the night before, her clitorious tingling becuse of the thoughts...

"I need to go get ready for work. I going to have to leave..." Jin stated, he was probably running late, but he had to go...

He felt terrible for leaving Raven, but she couldn't really do anything other than cum at the moment...

'Nova... sorry for traumatizing you like this... it just happened... also, mind telling me the time, please?'

Jin asked mentally.

[It was not that much of a deal... I found it pleasurable as well... and the time is 8:35... on March 13]

'Good. Good. Wait. WHAT! what do you mean? That... can't be, how is today the 13th?' He exclaimed unable to process how it was a, WHOLE week later...

However he calmed himself... flipping out infront of her wouldn't be a wise choice...

'Guess I'll have to start my own business soon... Lex is going to fire me... well. Maybe that isn't entirely bad' Jin thought. Holding his head.

On the other hand, Raven's phantom sensations dwindled. So she could finally speak her thoughts...

But she didn't know what to say...

She sighed...

"What do we do now? What we did was..." Raven asked, her mind finally stable...

Jin looked towards her, unsure of what to say...





