The Darkest knight... P.1

~ At Jin's Residence ~

"It's time almost time... We need to get ready, Harley." Jin said, getting off the sofa, walking towards his bedroom. Harley shrugged.

"What am I even supposed to do?" She asked.

"Be useful. You'll help share the food with the others with me. Simple." Jin responded curtly.

She didn't say much, but nodded to herself in agreement.

"We need to get you cloths first... We can't have you going out like that." Jin said, returning with a fitting v-neck shirt.

Harley, seeing this, blushed sightly.

"Well... You fill that out nicely." Harley complimented.

He turned towards her with a look of contempt.

"Remember Harley, after the fuckery you just pulled, if I were you, I'd stay off any sort of compliments for a long while." Jin said, leaving the home. Locking the door behind him.

Harley looked down, sulking a little.

"... No need to remind me..." Harley said under her breath.

'I just had to fuck it up... URGGHHH!!!' Harley shouted in her mind. Cuddling up to herself...


~ With Jin, Omni Pov ~

'Today has been long... too many things have been happening in quick succession...' Jin thought, rubbing his nose. Seemingly sorting the information in his head.

At the moment, he was on his way to get his new 'guest' some clothes...




Jin felt his phone ringing.

'Who could it be now?' in asked, taking it out of his pocket, answering.

"Hello, how may I help you?" Jin asked.


Jin heard the voice... it was all too familiar. He was expecting the call, but not this soon...

"Bruce... What do you mean by 'why'?" Jin responded.

"... Don't play dumb with me, Jin... The joker... why did you do it..." Bruce asked once more, irritation evident in his tone.

Jin thought for a moment before giving his response...

"... Are you aware of what he was going to do that night?" Jin asked simply.


"Given your silence, I'll take that as a no. I'll sum it up for you then. The joker was about to gas the entirety of both Metropolis and Gotham with his toxin. If I wasn't out that night, I wouldn't be speaking with you right now, that's for sure... I don't think I need to say more." Jin said. His tone was calm and calculative...

Bruce, however, went silent, contemplating about the whole situation...

"... Still... we don't make that call. Why didn't you lock him up... You had the power to do so..." Bruce responded.

Jin's face contorted into slight anger after hearing this. He was starting to lose his composure a little.

He couldn't believe what Bruce uttered...

"Really? Bruce, are you insane... how much more should we 'lock him up'? And how much more do we let him escape? He's done everything Bruce... rape, cannibalism, murder?!With much more... how much longer were you going to keep this man 'contained'? I'm sorry 𝑭𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓... but it was his time... he's done too much, killed too many, all because we didn't take care of him..."

"Jin... But-" Bruce said. Jin cut him off immediately.

"But what!? There are no 'buts' Bruce. I don't know why he gets left off each time... 10s of thousands have died yearly because of him... For once, there won't be exceptions here. The joker needed to perish. And you know what's worse? It's the fact that you let him go each time without any consequences... I just hope you realize that the person who knows good and condones evil is worse than the person who commits the sin and knows no good at all..." Jin finished.

Bruce went silent, yet it was loud...

Immediately, Bruce hung-up

Jin looked at his phone, then put it into his pocket.


'I hope he comes to his senses and doesn't do something stupid...' Jin thought. Continuing on his way...


~ With Bruce, Omni Pov ~

"... I didn't know about the rest, Bruce..." Clark stated.

"... It's fine... Jin made his point clear..." Bruce said.

"I don't see a problem with this..." Diana stated.

"What?" Bruce asked.

"You heard me, Bruce. I said I don't have an issue with it. The joker is clearly beyond saving and keeping contained... he's escaped on numerous occasions, and based on what I just heard... I wish 'Jin' tortured him before he died instead." Diana finished.


"Clark... I need time to think..." Bruce said.

Clark nodded and left the room.

"What will you do now?" Diana asked.

Bruce remained silent, pondering on what he needed to do.

"...Jin has killed... one way or the other. He has to pay for his crime... I would be a hypocrite if I let him go..." Bruce said... his voice melancholic.

"...Good luck with that... given by what Clark stated. He can handle all of 'us' with ease... and even if you do convince the rest to fight him, I won't." Diana said.

Making her way out of the room right after.

Bruce just sat to himself, thinking of how he wanted to handle this situation...






