The Darkest Knight.... P.3(Finale)

~ Omni Pov ~

Both Raven and Barbara stood ahead of Jin, trying to de-escalate the situation.

"...You both need to step aside... He needs to be punished..." Batman stated venomously.

But neither Raven, Barbara, and Diana were having it.

"We won't let you take him... Especially not because of what he, did." Raven said, her aura growing ever so darker.

"I agree... The Joker needed to go... Are you all really willing to punish him over that maniac!?" Barbara shouted.

The heroes on the other side said nothing, including both Superman, and Batman.

Jin, on another hand, was visibly shocked, equally so with Diana.

'They, came?...' Jin thought, feeling angry that they were brought into this situation because of him.

"NO! You both need to stay out of this... They've already made up their mind. They all wouldn't have come here if they didn't." Jin stated. Realizing the situation he was in at the moment.

All three women looked amongst themselves. Realizing that what he said was true, words were useless, only action would determine the outcome now...

"He's right... We can only fight our way out of this..." Diana stated, he blue eyes growing colder, easily sending chills down even the most hardened warrior's spines.

Jin shook his head with disapproval.

"Like I said" He got into a fighting stance.

"I can handle this." He finished.

Most of the heroes were now on extremely high alert. All of them took their time in getting closer, while Jin stepped ahead...

However, this whole situation was off... Jin realized that they stood no chance. That was a fact clear to him, yet they all still came? Both Bruce, and Clark have a general idea of what he's capable of, so why challenge something that was practically insurmountable?

'... Something isn't right...' Jin thought, his eyes sharpening.

Before he took another step, he stopped himself.

"Why would you carry them all here?... When you know it's useless?" Jin asked. Surprising everyone.

The heroes thought him cocky. He basically implied that they were canon fodder. But Bruce? He was thinking of something entirely different...

"You killed, and we need to stop you. It's that simple." Bruce said.

"Since we both know you won't come quietly, we'll have to do it the hard way..." Clark added. Walking forward with Bruce...

Jin raised an eyebrow at what the two said.

He then turned to the women behind him.

"Don't interrupt my fight, this is my last warning... Do you all understand?" Jin stated in a commanding tone.

Reluctantly, both Raven and Barbara, who wanted to argue, agreed. Then Diana hesitantly nodded soon after, respecting her friend's fight.

Jin turned around, still puzzled about something with this situation...

'This is all utter, bullshit!... Superman isn't nearly enough to close the gap we have in raw physicality... He isn't even a 50th of my max power, excluding my abilities... The flash wasn't even close to being as fast as me, and Bruce himself wasn't  nearly as clever as me. And, Karate-kid is arguably equal to me in raw technique, but that was it, and barely too.' Jin planned. He definitely knew something was fishy.

He just didn't know what exactly.

"...You both aren't the type to fight without a plan... Especially not with one like this." Jin added.

Both batman and Clark responded, stopping in their own tracks...

"We know." In unison.

Instantly, Superman immediately charged towards Jin, and so did the green lantern.

Superman then launched a powerful, yet swift strike, moving well over multiple times the speed of light in an instant.

Jin, quickly transformed into his base ZET state to handle the man of steel with ease.

He quickly parried the powerful punch, after punch, which caused the surrounding buildings to rumble violently. While also defending the attacks of the other heroes against him...

Numerous light projectiles flew from across the field from the other heroes. Jin dodged them all with terrifying grace, surprising the heroes greatly.

Aqua-man seeing the opening, launched himself at Jin as well, only to be flung into a beam that was intended for Jin.

"I got him!" Hal said.

In an instant a green barrier was formed. However, being much much more powerful than the man of steel himself. Jin easily broke down out of the prison construct made by the lantern, causing Hal to be flung back due to the force.

"He's really fighting them all... But, will he be okay? There are so many." Barbara asked, almost wanting to help in some way...

Raven turned to her close friend... "We can only pray he makes it out of this... But if anything happens, I'll-"

"You won't be needing to do anything of the sort... Numbers against absolute power are often meaningless. Watch closely. Does that look like the back of a man that is going to lose?" Diana stated, interrupting Raven.








'These guys are a little good. They go for any opening they can salvage and create new ones quickly.' Jin thought, dodging strikes from every angle possible..

He was like a dancer on the field, easily parrying all the heroes that came, and countering when needed be. He unleashed just the right amount of power so that he doesn't accidentally kill any of them...

Yet, with over 70 heroes fighting against him, it was like he was getting better mid-battle. With every strike that came his way, he would parry a little better, moving even more efficiently than before.

He was growing in technique, and rapidly too.

That wasn't to say he would never got hit... but when he did, they were rendered useless against his raw defences...

Heroes with a keen eye picked it up, but what could they do, stop him?

They still, however, continued with their best effort, trying to put down this entity. Despite him being a little over 3 meters tall, and relatively broad, he still was more agile and nimble than any of them combined...

Yet through all of this, Jin still felt that something was amiss... It felt as if they were buying time for something. He knew they were fighting hard, but it wasn't out of desperation to win. Not with techniques like this...

'I need to find Bruce...' Jin thought.

"NOW!!!" A voice shouted.

However, just as he was about to start looking, he heard a familiar voice shouting from his left. Then, soon after, a large beam came from nowhere. The speed of the blast was far faster than him at the moment, since he was suppressing himself greatly...

In the end, the beam hit...

'The hell? What did I just get hit wit-' Jin thought annoyed.

But just as he was about to think, he felt himself getting evanesce away, his body fading. Not truly disappearing, but moving...

"What, the hell?" He said aloud. He stopped fighting, stepping back in disbelief...

When he turned in the direction of where he heard the familiar voice coming from, he saw Barry Allen/the flash holding onto a spherical device. With Bruce, right beside him...

Jin realizing what was happening. Dawned a look of anger, his eyes glowing a shade of golden fury...

'So that was the plan?... BFR!?... Bruce... You, COW-' Jin thought, fading out of reality...







