
(AN: The story from now on will be much longer than normal and sound a bit more angsty. Hence, there will be slightly slower updates. However, it will be more detailed and thought out. character thoughts will be stated unless not, and sometimes I won't be writing 'he/she' said all the time. I am sure you are all competent enough to figure that out.)

~ Jin's Pov ~




I saw a fairly elderly man, maybe around his late 50s to early 60s. He had a rather nasty scar on his face. His voice was low and succinct, standing around 5,11-12. With that, I could immediately tell that he was the pack leader for these so called 'heroes', based on the way he carried himself, and his overwhelming confidence with a pinch of experience behind his hollowed yes. Still, this encounter would only make my job easier...

"Yes... let's get to that." I said without hesitation. At my response, he smiled.

"Good. Follow me." He said, and I quickly followed suit.

He carried me down a long hallway...

"I haven't seen you around here before. Are you new?" He suddenly asked.

"Yes, I am." I said.

"Interesting... Where are you from then? If you don't mind me asking, of course." He questioned again.

I figured out what he was doing. He was clearly feeling me out. Perhaps testing if I was some sort of spy, maybe if I was lying, or possibly even both.

"... I'm from the countryside." I responded. Giving a vague yet reasonable enough answer.

"I see... Well, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. My name is Cecil Stedman. I orchestrate the group of heroes called the 'guardians of the globe'."

"I see... Well, it would be rude for me not to do the same. My name is Jin, by the way..." I stated.

"Well, Jin. What can you do?"

He asked from the get-go. Interesting. I'll keep it simple. He must have an idea of what I can do based on what I did a bit earlier...

"I have the basic package, which includes super strength, speed, and dexterity."

"Really?... Just how much can you lift?" He asked.

Since I wasn't going to keep myself hidden (much), I should give him an idea of what I can do in my base state. I need to show him what he is dealing with.

"It depends... what's the heaviest thing you have?" I answered. Knowing I could bench the planet well over 10 times over...

I saw a smirk come across his face.

"Keep following me."





"This is the machinator. It's what we test the strength of heroes with from time to time." Stedman stated. I felt as if this old fart was enjoying himself. He must be the type to like when things go his way or when he has power.

Still, I had to give credit where credit is due. The machine was efficient. Powered by energy from god knows where.

"Let me guess, you want me to sit while it presses the weight down from above, while I resist?" I stated a matter-of-factly.

"You catch on fast... This thing runs off alien technology. The power it feeds from is basically infinite. So theoretically. It has no hypothetical cap regarding how high it can go. So I advise you to go as high as you could." He finished.

I simply walked over to where I needed to be. I then placed my hand underneath where the press was.

Stedman made his way to some sort of control room...

"Ready when you are, son." He stated.

I scoffed. "Let's go." responding curtly.

"Alright, we'll start off with an easy ton." He stated.

I simply nodded. While he turned, he turned something.

As soon as he did so, I felt a difference, but it was only 1 ton.

"I figured you could do that much. Alright, we go to 5 tons." He said, turning up the pressure.

I felt the difference, but still nothing fazed me so far.

"Alright, we up it to 50."

I still felt nothing. I could see how long this take. I might as well expedite the process...

"We won't get anywhere with these small numbers, go up to a million tons." I stated.

I could see his reaction from here. He was clearly puzzled.

" Are you... joking? That's around the weight of an entire mountain..." He said seriously, returning to his calm demeanor.

"Yes... I am sure about this." I said.

He did all the necessary things to set the machine to go that high. Or that's what I presumed.

"Last time to call this quits, kid. I am not joking here. If this kills you, I won't be burying you." He stated.

"You talk too much, old man, just continue." I said.

I saw him hesitantly turn on the mechanism once more. He was surprised this time.

"See? I'm quite strong, no?" I said. I had never lifted anything this heavy before. However, it felt like a featherweight to me. No, maybe lighter than that.

'No way... he can lift an entire mountain? Just who is this guy? His hand hasn't even budged!...' Stedman thought.

I can tell. He's taking me seriously now.

"Go up by another... 100 times. This might as well weigh less than nothing." I said.

This time, he sharpened his gaze on me, clearly curious. He must be wondering where my limitations were. Funny thing was.

I didn't have any...

As Cecil configured the machine once more, I then saw sparks of electricity emanating from it, as if it was struggling to go higher, but it quickly returned to normal. I don't think they made it to go this high... I should probably tone down my multiplicative advancements...

"Alright. I'll be applying 100 million tons of pressure... Are you sure you don't want to back out now?..."

"I am 100% positive. I am also curious about my limitations as well. Add the pressure onto me." What I said wasn't a lie. I only did gravity training after moving from normal weights. Since that was the better option, or at least. The most efficient option.

However, not even a second later. I felt the pressure of 100 mountains press unto me. Still nothing.

"... I don't feel a thing, mister Cecil. You might as well call it a day. I feel like I'll break the machine if I go any higher." I stated, truthfully.

I turned to see the look on his face. Both in utter surprise and irritation. Probably hearing that his device doesn't work properly...

"We don't have to, kid. Since this is soo easy for you. Why don't we try a 100 trillion tons?" He said, configuring the machine once more.

The sparks of electricity came once more, but quickly dissipating. The room was now vibrating a little...

"Are you ready?" He asked, as if wanting me to say nothing but yes.

I could hear childlike excitement in his voice. As if he encountered something new to experiment with. I'll follow along for now...

I nodded in response.

I felt the increase once more, but it was still nothing to me. But now I was curious... If I could lift this much, this easily...

In the next moment, I changed the positioning of my hand. I then positioned my weight of my fingers onto it, then slowly removing my fingers one by one. Until there was nothing but my pinky finger left, holding up the weight...

With pressure bungstarter on such a small area... physics struggles... and breaks a bit...

Cecil, on the other hand, was probably coughing up his innards on what I was doing...








~ Cecil's Pov ~

H-How... How can some random kid do this!? He has more power in his pinky than we do on the entire PLANET!

Yet, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. The idea of him on the side of good was enough for me. Still, with power at his disposal, he could single-handedly rule the world. No... even more. So why doesn't he? What are his motives...

Was it because he was a kind being? Did he pity humans? Or was he some sort of god playing a trick on me? And I still don't know his limitations...

If I came this far, I might as well go all out, and test him as much as I can.

I quickly pulled out my phone. Calling all the members of the globe to see this. I might as well get them, and their new team member acquainted, because this will be quite an interesting year...








~ Several minutes later... Omni Pov ~




"You are all here as well?" Said a tall man in a dark suit.

"Yes, he did... He said it was urgent..." said a muscular woman.

"I still don't know why he called us all here, though. There's nothing going on from what I'm aware of..." a man in a red suit added.

The rest, including the infamous omni-man, remained quiet. For reasons the others wouldnt ask about.

However, as the conversation was about to continue. The door opened, and they saw him.

"Mr. Cecil. You called." The taller man said with respect.

"Yes, I did... you all, follow me. You ought to see what you'll be working with." Stedman stated, with a small chuckle escaping his lips.

Now, the team was a bit curious. All thought that they might get a new member. So they followed along.

The team went through a long corridor. Some recognised this place. Knowing where they will end up.

As they reached the door, Cecil stopped them.

"Before you enter, the person you will meet will most likely be your new partner. Treat him well." He added. He then opened it.

The guardians looked in the center of the room. They saw a man. His build was rather large and intimidating at a first glance, however upon closer inspection, they all saw the incredible amount of musculature the man possessed, decades if not centuries worth of training went into that figure... it was almost inhumane how well proportioned he was...

"So that's him?..." the woman asked, impressed.

"Yes... that's him..." Cecil responded.

They were all looking towards him, struggling to lift the machine...

"So what's his name?" Aquarus asked.

"His calls himself Jin... I never got his last name." Cecil responded.

"Say, just how much is he carrying, Mr. Cecil?" An alien like man asked.

Cecil smirked. "Take a guess. If any of you all can correctly get it right, or get close enough to it, you'll get a month off with no calls from work in between."

"Really? Alright then, I won't say no to a competition, I'll say... 100 tons." The tall man said.

"Wrong. It's way higher than that." Cecil stated.

"Hmmm... I'll say he's lifting 10000 tons. He can't get any more powerful than that, right?" the woman said with confidence.

"Still far off. It's much, much higher than that." Cecil added. Smirking.

This was peaking the other heroes curiosity...

"Alright, I'll say a million tons. That has to be it." A female said with an all green figure.

"No ghost. It's far higher." Cecil stated.

Omni-man looked on curiously. Then spoke.

"I don't feel that any of us a getting close to it... so why not tell us?" He said.

Cecil then looked towards him, chuckling.

"What about the others? Wouldn't you all want to try? Or do you agree?" Stedman asked.

They looked in each others direction and then nodded.

"We want to know." The immortal stated.

Cecil scoffed.

"Alright... he's currently lifting approximately 22.3 earths or 280+ septillion tons." Cecil stated.

They all widened their eyes, including Omni-man...

"That's impossible... there's no being that's capable of lifting that much. I don't buy this." The tall man said.

"I agree... to lift earth not once, twice or thrice, but 22 different times? I feel as if I wasted my time. I'm leaving." Omni-man stated.

"If you all think it's a lie, check the machine statistics." Cecil said. Looking towards Jin.

They all went towards it, then they saw the ridiculous amount of zeroes this person was lifting...

"He's... telling the truth..." the man known as immortal said, sweating.

Omni-man's cool facade was now gone completely, it was now replaced with a face of pure disbelief.

'Was he a viltrumite? But how have I not heard of someone like him? No... with strength like that, he could take on the entirety of viltrum without breaking a sweat, or at least be the leader... is he a new hybrid from another species?' Omni-man thought.

"Wait... so you're telling me... that he's really lifting our planet multiple times over?" The hero known as red rush said.

"Yes... I couldn't believe it either... and not only that... he isn't even struggling anymore... take a look. He's no longer breathing hard, and his hand isn't trembling anymore..." Cecil stated.

"Sir. You aren't implying that he's-"

"Oh? But I am... He's actually getting stronger as we speak... I have never seen something like this... his limits are... no... he has no limits. With him on our side, I doubt there is anything in the universe we'll have to be afraid of. He could be what humanity has been looking for, an absolute protector..." Cecil stated.

The heroes turned towards Jin as well.

"All I have to do now is get him to learn the ropes, ins and outs, and a lastly a suit. His recruitment is now considered an absolute priority."







