Thinking... (small grammar fix)

~Omni Pov~




After creating his new adaptive security system. Jin found himself laying on his newly purchased home's matrass. Thinking of what he would do now. He still had multiple issues that needed fixing, his highest one on the list, was returning home, back in the DC multiverse.

"I wish it was that simple. Even if I somehow made a machine that could bring me back home, I still had to find my specific reality to head back to."

He said openly to himself. He looked out his window, viewing the streets he just walked, realizing that, he might never return to his reality... And that thought alone was enough to send shivers down his spine...

[Jin, don't lose hope, we will find a way to bring you back to your universe, it will just take time...] Nova replied softly.

She felt her master's worry, worry that he would be away in another reality, away from those he cared about, and away from someone he finally somewhat cared for after his pathetic love life.

"How long do you think we'll be here for?" Jin asked lowly. But, the answer never came, Nova couldn't give such answers.

Calculating countless number of universes and potentially, many other infinite fictional realities could take years, if not entire decades.

However, Jin... He already knew this.

The situation was almost hopeless.

*Ring* Ring*

The device Jin had gotten from his new boss had began ringing...

"This is Jin speaking... Wait... Omni-man?"







"So... May I ask why I was called here?" Jin asked. Not really piecing together what the veteran viltrumite was even thinking...

"I'm sorry I called you out in the middle of nowhere Jin." Nolan said, his face being as welcoming as one can be. It was clear that expression was practiced, it didn't feel natural, not even the way he spoke was genuine.

Jin kept this in the back of his mind for now.

"It's no issue really..." Jin said, not feeling the best right now, especially given his mental state right now. "I know it's kind of sudden but... Would you like to spar?" The viltrumite asked, almost in a childish like manner. Leaving Jin to question his actions so far.

'Is he, trying to feel me out? I just had a fight not too long ago. Could it be he just wanted an actual challenge?' Jin thought.

His gaze on the elder remained calm. But even he knew that this was a little out of character for the viltrumite...

"Alright, I don't see why not" He responded calmly, getting into a small stance. Right now, he needed to blow of some tension. And the best way was always through a good fight.

Following up, omni-man followed suit, putting up a brawler like stance but much more organized. His icy blue eyes remained fixed onto his opponent's body... With nothing but the clouds and bristles of bushes beneath the two as they stood levitating in the sky.

Soon, as fate granted them their wish, a silence permeated the surrounding skies. Omni-man soon initiated the fight, charging forward using surprising speeds rather quickly.

However, Jin being no slouch by nay means, saw the charge coming, but just barely, quickly blocking the punch that was hastily approaching with the palm of his hand, creating a large gust of wind as a result of an unstoppable force meeting an even more immovable object...

"Not bad..." Jin remarked.

He took note of how well delivered the blow was, showing the millenia of experience from just one exchange.

Hearing the remark, Omni man remained ever so silent. A calculating glint in his eyes as his right fist was now rendered useless.

"You say 'not bad'? I'm only getting started!"

Instantly, Omni-man burst forth with double the speed earlier, using Jin's arm as a grip to charge up a knee strike aimed toward his chin.

With Jin barely reacting earlier to the previous blow, this one, it completely blitzed him...

'Shit!' Jin thought.

Jin knew that in this reality, speed and strength was basically everything, with even this early version of Nolan being many, many times the speed of light itself.

So a hit was to be expected in his current state...

Following the blow, a resounding shockwave reverberated the skies as it connected perfectly, sending whatever satellite signal to shambles with the sheer speed it had attempted to track.


A small grunt of pain, and a snap of bones followed. However, it wasn't Jin who was grunting...

Jin let go of his opponent's hand, allowing him to back off into the air further. Omni-man could be seen with his left knee completely shattered, and even more so useless.

The reality of it all was simple. Even if you had the speed to out maneuver your foe, what good would it do if the opponent is more than tough enough to handle it with no difficulty?

'Damn!... He's tough, tougher than anyone I've ever hit!' The elder viltrilumite thought somewhat bitterly.

His pedigree of fighting and bloodshed was enough to tell him that this was an opponent he couldn't beat, not at his current level. Thoughts of another in his race came to his mind.

'Could... Could he be on Thraag's level? No... He could be even stronger than that.'

Nolan had no real gauge other than his centuries worth of experience to go off of. However, he knew one thing. He was the quicker one.

Something he didn't want to be, but was glad he was either way. He had something that this new, monster didn't have. The only thing he had to do, was to train...

"That seems like it hurt, I think we should stop" Jin offered. Omni man smiled and nodded with a certain motion that didn't go unnoticed by Jin.

Despite the completely shattered knee cap, the pain was next to nothing now. Nolan was sliced in half more times than he could count, and in far harsher conditions.

After the initial snap, the focus on the pain was gone.

Even with the brief exchange, he could tell he was outclassed in every other area physically. But he had a millennia worth of years on his side. So he could train, and then initiate his plans...

"It is what it is, something like this will heal by tomorrow. By the way, mind if we do this some other time?" Nolan asked. Even if the person was a halt in his plans, at least they were powerful, and he, as well as any elite viltrumite respected strength.

"Ahh... Sure, I don't see why not" Jin responded jovially. But his thoughts were a bit more, calculating than that.

'As I thought, that healing factors, and raw endurance is unbelievable. It easily matches my healing in my Zet form which is extremely quick. Not only that, their smart atoms as well will be a massive boon too... Nova!' He called in his mind.

'[Yes Jin?]'

'Did you get the data we needed?' He asked.

'[Of course, but any results from the viltrumite cells simulations merging perfectly with your physique will take some time...]'

Jin grunted at that last part, but at the moment. Time was all he had at his disposal. If he couldn't get home for now, he'll get stronger in his search for it instead.

Outwardly, Jin smiled, seeing the hero fly off towards the sun and towards his family.

Jin's pursuit now was nothing but home. At least, for now...








