Sudden Progression

Kate opened her eyes and saw a huge explosion. "What the, what's going on?" she thought, observing the chaos and multiple old men circling her and the Ship of Light.

"Are you awake?" one of the old men asked.

"Fortunately, I finished the refinement at the right time," Kate said. She decided to make them believe she had found the Ship of Light here. "May I know what the seniors are doing here in the vicinity of the High Heaven Pavilion?" Kate asked.

"We have permission to enter here due to news that a demon was refining a huge artifact, and when we arrived, we saw you and that huge flying artifact," the old man said.

"Looks like he's the leader," Kate thought, commanding the Ship of Light to fire an ancient nuclear warhead at the old man. The surprise attack worked, and as the multiple cultivators prepared to block the ancient nuclear warhead, Kate seized the opportunity and flew to the top of the Ship of Light.

"She's running away!" one of the enemies shouted.

"The barrier has been disabled! Catch her!" the leader shouted.

"Catch me if you can!" Kate yelled as she ran away.

"What the! The artifact suddenly disappeared?" one of the enemies said.

"What in the world is that speed?" the leader exclaimed. "Find her!" he commanded.

"Where in the story am I now?" Kate thought to herself, recalling the explosion. "I believe that explosion is from the sect," she mused as she vomited blood. "What the?" she thought, realizing the side effects of multiple attacks from the old men were taking a toll. "My cultivation is quite high, but my foundation is not that deep. This is a problem for the long run," Kate noted, looking at the horizon.

"For now, let's go to Medicine King Valley and see where the story is," Kate decided. Within minutes, she arrived at the Medicine King Valley, making the Ship of Light invisible to the naked eye. "Since the Ship of Light doesn't run on Qi, it will be undetectable for cultivators," she thought as she landed in front of the gate.

After some walking, Kate entered a restaurant and sat down to eat, using the time to investigate the latest news. "Looks like the Medicine King Valley has already been attacked. Yang Kai should have returned by now," Kate thought. "But that explosion... I don't remember that. I didn't sense the Qi that caused it either; it must be because of those old fossils," she pondered as a magical screen appeared in front of her.

"What is it this time?" Kate thought, irritated.

"You gained a gift as compensation for the dangerous universe transfer," the screen read.

"What is it?" Kate wondered.

"You will be given the Energy stat," the screen read, and another screen appeared, showing: Energy 0.

"Energy, huh? I wonder what that means for me," Kate thought, intrigued by the new development.

After some time, Kate finished her meal and returned to the Ship of Light. In her room, she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling and reflecting on recent events.

"Woahh, everything I did has been useless in the end, huh?" Kate said aloud. "Maybe it's because I don't have anything to put my heart into," she mused as she got out of bed. "Or maybe it's because I'm being forced by that mysterious being. She also said I'm a Seed... did I get myself into something troublesome?"

Kate headed to the Ship of Light's command center. "Hmm, it was exciting at first, but being forced to do things is making me lose interest," she admitted, sitting on the throne of the Ship of Light. "The Demon Lord should be in the Ash-Grey Evil Land now. What should I do?"

She pondered her next move, feeling the weight of her situation but also the pull of curiosity and the desire for purpose.

"Should I go to a random universe now? The starting world in the Martial Peak Universe is pretty boring," Kate mused. Then she realized, "Right, there's a gate to the Tong Xuan realm!"

She thought for a moment, recalling the location. "Where is it again? Ah, the Tian Lang Dynasty," she remembered. "Go to the Tian Lang Dynasty," she commanded, and the Ship of Light immediately set off at lightspeed.

In no time, the ship arrived. "There should be a gate here," Kate said to herself as the Ship of Light hovered slowly over the land. After a few moments, she spotted the gate. "Land on that place," she instructed, pointing at the gate on the huge screen.

In front of the gate, Kate looked around. "So this is it. I'll leave this world now. Maybe I should let Yang Kai know," she considered. She quickly wrote a message on the ground beneath the gate: "There, with this, Yang Kai should know that he's late," Kate said, smiling happily.

"Now, let's go!" she exclaimed, stepping through the gate and into a new adventure.

While being transported, Kate's surroundings suddenly turned pitch black. "What!?" Kate exclaimed as a new magical screen popped up in front of her.

"You're currently being transported to another universe," Kate read aloud.

"What!? Are you kidding me?" she shouted in disbelief.

"The universe transportation is a world event that got activated due to you entering a world gate," the screen continued.

"I see, so once I go to the Starry Sky, I'll need to finish a world event too," Kate said. "Then let's start. But this time, give me a reason to take things seriously," she demanded.

"You can choose the buffs," the screen responded.

"The first card is to double my energy capacity, the second card is to obtain a Demon Lord Seed, the third card is being able to use multiple magic types, the fourth card is to double my magic damage, and the fifth card is to be able to have light and dark magic," Kate listed the options.

After a brief moment of consideration, she made her choice. "I'll take the Demon Lord Seed and the ability to use multiple magic types," she decided, feeling a surge of power as the chosen buffs activated.

"Alright, new universe, here I come," Kate said determinedly as the transport completed, and she was thrust into her next adventure.

After a blinding light, Kate found herself standing in front of a huge building. "Hmm? Where am I?" she said, looking around. "Students?" she noted, recognizing the familiar environment. Suddenly, another magical screen appeared before her.

"Once you fail the tasks, you will be stuck in the starting world of the Martial Peak Universe, and your powers will be taken back," she read. Another screen followed, "Due to the heavy punishment, you will be given another buff: the First Card and the Fifth Card."

"Does this mean I currently have four buffs?" Kate mused. "Wait, this is actually good, plus I also don't want to get stuck there and have my powers taken from me," she thought to herself until she felt a flick on her forehead.

"What are you still doing here? Classes are starting soon," a student-looking female said.

"What the!" Kate exclaimed, recognizing the voice. "Lilith Sensei!"

"What are you shouting for?" Lilith said sternly. "Head to the classroom now!"

"Yes!" Kate exclaimed as she hurried into the school, with Lilith following close behind.

In the classroom, Kate was deep in thought. "So I got transported to the Trinity Seven universe. If I'm right, I haven't chosen a Thema yet. Looks like things will get interesting now," she mused. Kate listened to Lilith's lecture attentively and studied seriously.

Later, in her room, she lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling. "Looks like I don't have a roommate. Well, that's good," she said, stretching her limbs. "Hmm, that felt good!" Kate exclaimed. "I have four buffs, I also haven't chosen a Thema to study, and I didn't inhibit someone else's body. Looks like I have a me in this world," she noted. "They also called me a late bloomer since I haven't chosen a Thema yet," she added, opening a single Gate of Babylon on her palm. "Looks like my original powers are available too," Kate said with a smirk. "For now, what should I do?" she pondered.

"Wait, it should be Archives first. After choosing an Archive, then Thema. Looks like my memory failed me a little," Kate corrected herself. "Since I can use every magic due to the buff, does that mean I can combine them or create my own Archive?" she wondered. "Magus here choose their magic opposite of them. Those with little desire for worldly pleasure choose the Luxuria Archive, which is lust. But I'm different. I'll choose what I want since I can use them all," Kate decided as she headed towards the library. "For now, I'll study the Luxuria Archive," she said.

In the library, Kate immersed herself in books about the Luxuria Archive. She studied for so long that she missed her classes, surrounded by piles of books. Deep in reading, she heard a familiar voice. "So you're here. And from the looks of it, you've been here for a long time. Have you been here since we finished classes yesterday?" Lilith asked.

"Yeah, I guess I lost track of time," Kate replied, looking up from her book with a sheepish smile.

"Hmm? These books are about the Luxuria Archive. Have you decided on your Archive?" Lilith asked.

"Yes, I'm planning to choose the Luxuria Archive. Please help me in the future, Sensei," Kate replied.

Lilith enthusiastically agreed, "But overdoing this will only hurt you," she added with concern.

"Don't worry, Lilith Sensei, I know my limits," Kate said, giving Lilith a reassuring smile.

"If you say so, then shall I help you?" Lilith offered.

"Thanks," Kate said as the two of them got invested in their studies together.

After a week, Kate left the classroom and headed straight to her room. "Now, I need to make my own Grimoire. Or should I look at the Gate of Babylon?" she pondered. "Well, I'd better start now if I want to make my own," she added, sitting on her bed. "For now, I better refine the Gate of Babylon and make it the basis of my Grimoire."

As Kate sat, the Void Archives materialized in front of her. The materialization caused the entire Trinity Seven universe to tremble, spawning multiple Phenomenon Breakdowns in various places, but almost all of them suddenly disappeared. "We made the Void Archives to record everything and copy it in a book. By fusing the Gate of Babylon with the Void Archives, it allows me to materialize the recorded information. What I need to do is to make information about the Grimoire I want. The Void Archive can't get classified, but with this, it can turn into a Grimoire," Kate said.

After an hour, Kate's eyes and nose were bleeding, and she was coughing blood. "I'll put all of my Mana and Qi into this thing!" she shouted, her determination unwavering despite the physical toll.

At the same time in the Headmaster's office, the Headmaster looked up from his desk. "Ho? Looks like she made it," he remarked.

"What are you planning?" one of the Trinity Seven asked, curiosity piqued.

"Too bad that she became like this when my Trinity Seven are already complete," the Headmaster mused.

"Are you saying that she's on par with us?" Lilith asked, eyes wide with surprise.

"No, not really," the Headmaster replied, a faint smile playing on his lips. "What I'm saying is that she's capable of surpassing you all." This revelation left the Trinity Seven visibly astonished.

Kate opened her eyes and saw her ceiling. "Looks like I passed out," she said, struggling to get up due to the pain all over her body. "It's been a long time since I got hurt like this," Kate mused.

"Right, the Void Archives!" Kate exclaimed as she searched for it on her bed. Suddenly, she felt a pulse. Her Grimoire appeared in front of her, in the form of a tesseract with a golden inner cube and a violet book inside. "What the-" Kate said, taken by surprise. "Is this the effect of the Void Archives gaining a class?" she wondered as the Void Archives turned to golden dust and disappeared.

Feeling a surge of excitement, Kate readied herself for the upcoming class. "Now I have a Grimoire. I should make other classifications for it in the future, like a sword or something," she thought as she got dressed. "With all my abilities, I could learn all the archives in about ten to twenty years of study, but there's a way to shorten it," Kate considered. "Make a bet and beat the Trinity Seven," she decided, heading out of her room with newfound determination.