Jack and Jane still eating dinner.

"So tell me about Jane"Jack said facing Jane and adjusting his chair.

"why did you want to know?"Jane muttered

"Just want to know, let me tell you the truth, The first time I saw you I can't get my eyes and mind off you and your lovely body" . Jane smiled and said.

"So what about Georgia,hum Is she not your girlfriend?"

"Oh I can see you don't get it Georgia and I are just friends nothing more nothing less, You can even ask her"

"So are you asking me out right now?"Jane asked

"No I just want to know who you are first" Jack said and Carry the cup of coffee in front of him

"Okay I will tell you but not today, Maybe tomorrow after dinner"Jane said and stand on her feet.

"Okay, are you going to bed now?"

"Yeah I'm very tired, All those old nuts so call school authorities can kill, Good night see you tomorrow"Jane said not even wait to hear what Jack is about to said".


"Did she tell you anything?,are you guys now getting along?, I leave so that she will be free to talk" George said

"Yeah,she said she is going to tell me anything I want to know about her tomorrow after dinner"Jack said and hold Georgia hands then he continue "Georgia I am very sorry for kissing you earlier I am very sorry, But I think it time for you to also have a guy, I mean boyfriend"

"No, come off it, but I promise you I am going to do that after you have have a girlfriend"Georgia said

''Okay are you going to gym tomorrow ?" Jack asked

"sure you know I don't play with that, though I skip it today "Georgia said tiding her bed

"See you tomorrow by 6:30, you should be ready for gym, good night friend " He leave and close the door behind him"


Jack and Georgia are about to leave then Jack stop Georgia at the car lots, Only God knows what he is about to say this time .

"Won't you collect his number?" Jack asked

"Who's number?" She asked trying not to laugh

"That guy in there, I think he is a young CEO, And I saw you Smiling anytime he looks towards you" Jack said and push Georgia towards the direction of the Center door

"Did you think this is normal?"Georgia asked

"Yes 100 percent normal, Girl just go for it, you might never have this opportunity again"

"Okay I will"