Still at the Gym center, Jack waiting for Georgia in car.

"I wish her the best boyfriend by the way' Jack said to himself


Georgia walked in and stop, she feels like going back to Jack but she knows the Jack she have, he will never take any excuse, then she looks up to the direction of the person she is going to, he seems to be busy with one of his stuff. 'should I go for this, okay I have to be brave right now, I will just walk up to him and say 'hello handsome hum.. please can I have your number, No, I can't say that, okay maybe 'hello handsome, I was just curious about your handsome face, can I have your number please, yes that what I am going to do ' Georgia walked down to the young handsome guy in his blue sport dress.

"Hello, good morning, I am very sorry for disturbing you right now, and if you are very busy, you can just please give me your number and I'll call you later in the day, and I am Georgia and you" She did not want anything to distract the confidence she build up right now.

"I'm Max and you are gorgeous just like your Georgia name " He fished his hand into his pocket and bring out a business card then he hand it over to Georgia. " That my business card, and if you don't mind we guys can go on a date tonight" Max said smiling at her.

"I will let you know if I can make it, thanks for being understanding, see you later bye " She leave.


"So tell me how does it go?"Jack asked

"The guy is a nice guy and..."Jack interrupt her

"I am not asking you about him, what am asking is that did he give you the number?

"Yes he did,he even asked me out on a date with him tonight " Georgia said and hand over the card to Jack.

"Really,he asked you out on a date, let go home so you can get prepared before we ran out of time " Jack said and start the car

"But I told him I let him know if I can make it " Georgia said .

"you are going to call him after two hours and tell him you will be waiting for his call for the date tonight, did you understand.

"Yes sir! At your command sire" Georgia said teasing him

"So tell me did you still want to go for Jane, if yes maybe you should also take her out on a date,or what did you think?" Georgia said with seriousness.

"Well for your friend Jane she have a boyfriend already, I over heard her conversation with the guy this morning, she said she is going to move into the guy house this weekend, and me I am too big not to be a main boyfriend but truth me I have a girl in my mind even before see Jane" Jack said

"So you have someone you are thinking of and you don't even inform me"Georgia said adjusting her sit belt.

"No it not like that, I don't even know her name but I know her home, I think I will walk down to her street today after lunch and try my luck, if I see her I will definitely ask her out, and if I don't I will wait still the day I will be able too "Jack said"

"I believe you like her"

"I think I like the girl"Jack said