Jack and Georgia walked in the house.

" Hello is anybody at home" Georgia asked shouting , while Jane walk out of one of the rooms with her robe.

"I have been trying waiting for you guys, Good Morning, I just want to tell you that I am moving to My boyfriend house today and..."

"Have you informed your dad?" Georgia asked Jane

"I don't need to after all I have my life he also have his" Jane said ridley.

"She is just asking for security purpose" Jack explained

"And I am telling her, so she can know that my dad or anybody don't have to know My movement because I am not a kid " Jane said and Walk out.

"Jack I think this is the type of Lady that fit you, you guys are perfect fit, for I like the way she is rude, All the shit you are trying with me you won't be able to try it with her and if it just call for six feet"George teased Jack

"And if care is not taken I might be the one that is going to kill her, I don't even know how her boyfriend is managing her"Jack said

"you will do the cooking today,Mr. man" Georgia said and went to her room .