Chapter 21

What happened? Paige asked the moment she stepped in the ward towards the Patients bed.

Her blood pressure suddenly dropped to fifty over thirty eight. I started to run fluids before i called for you.

What was the urine output and color since yesterday? get an ultrasound done as well and give adrenaline. Her heart muscles are still weak hence the drop in blood pressure.

The urine is one thousand five hundred mils in the last six hours and its clear. The new vitals are now seventy over fifty.

Continue with the fluids and monitor closely now. The surgical wound is clean with no signs of infections, Paige said after examining the patient. Her oxygen saturations are better now, Also send we the Ultrasound results after they are out. Let me check on the other patients as well let me know if anything changes.

Yes doctor.

After her rounds It was already time for her shift to end, She rapped up everything giving instructions to the nurses and went back to her office but remembered she left Trevor alone in a messy office.

Oh my ... I completely forgot you are still here I thought you left, Paige said once she was in the office clearly avoiding his eyes.

I told you I would wait for you, Trevor said. How is your patient?

She's stable now and all my other patients as well she said as she sat down on the couch. Am so tired and hungry.

Your shifts almost ending, why shouldn't we grab something to eat on our way out. What do you want to eat?

Chinese food, She answered.

Alright then, shall We?

I will find you down stairs, I need to change first.

Alright, make it quick. he said and left.

What have I gotten myself into, Paige complained internally, I mean was the kiss necessary, Even if it was I can't just pretend it didn't happen.

"I want to cross the line today, tomorrow and for the rest of our lives"

Those words echoed through her ears sounding as lively as they did when he said it. Damn It Trevor did you have to. After hesitating and praying for anyone to ask her to fill their shifts, she slowly made her war to the lobby convincing herself she can act through anything , that's what she does best, other than saving lives, acting is her second job she's good at. but the moment she steps out seeing him hold the car door open for her in a suit that costs half a fortune looking like he walked right out of a magazine....

Let's go, he said bringing her back to reality, closing the door after her and got on the drivers seat.

Are we getting take out? Trevor asked when they were almost there.

Take out sounds good, you look like you haven't slept in days, she said while looking at him.

I haven't slept much the past week, he admitted. The dark cycles around his eyes were deep and noticeable but it didn't affect his usual appearance.

Did you sort out everything else? back at work?

Yes I did.

After driving, they finally got to the restaurant and ordered their take out, Paige ate in the car in silence while Trevor drove back home. Once at home Paige avoided Trevor and retired to her room with the excuse of being tired which was the same for Trevor. He barely slept on the plane because he was still working and went straight to the hospital when he arrived, When he got to his room he took a Shower and slept in his robe.

When Paige woke up her room was dark, the only light that shone was that from the moon through a slightly parted curtain. She slowly grabbed her phone to check the time it was ten in the evening. Her neck felt a little sore probably from sleeping on the same side, After turning on the lights she noticed she was still in the clothes she wore since morning, her mind was to occupied with Trevor she went straight to sleep.

After showering, she wore a pair of blue pajamas and made her war downstairs for some food. The house was already quiet with a few dim lights left on for easy access if one was thirsty at night, it made it easier to move. The only lights that where on were those in the kitchen "Aunt must have forgotten to switch them off, " she thought but found Charles seated working on his laptop, he was so focused he didn't hear her walk in.

Can't sleep? Paige asked when she got close enough.

Charles nearly fell from his chair from fear, he was so scared at the sudden appearance of Paige. Can't you make some noise when walking, you scared me.

Paige couldn't help but laugh, Maybe you should be more alert next time.

I thought you slept, what are you doing down here at this time?

I am hungry, I can't sleep on an empty stomach, What are you up to yourself?

Just work. Trevor ran into some problems at work, the board members almost replaced his as CEO but luckily for him he thought ahead of everything and solved it but now we are suffering the consequences.

Was it that bad? Paige asked. He didn't say anything to me.

Yes he wouldn't say, he likes to keep everything bottled up to himself, Don't hate him for that Charles added it was only right for him to put in a good word for his friend. And his also terrible at communicating.

I noticed, Paige said in agreement. So where is he now?

His probably asleep, he barely slept for the last weeks because of work.

He hasn't eaten anything?

No he hasn't, I thought he would eat something while out with you?

No i did most of the eating , Paige confessed guiltily.

Why don't you take him some food on your way up, Charles suggested, clearly taking advantage of the situation. It has been four days since his last proper meal. he added.

And just like that Paige felt bad and started to prepare him noodles since it was so late she couldn't start making a heavy meal. She added a semi cooked egg with veggies and topped a side dish for spicy soup.

I should take this to him before it gets cold, Paige said to Charles before making her way out.

Trevor will definitely thank me later, Charles thought to himself and continued to type on his laptop.

After a short while, Paige reached Trevor's door and softly knocked on it, The door only opened after she knocked the second time reviewing a man in a robe with his eyes half awake, his messy hair covered part of his face.

Hey, Trevor said, his voice deep and horsey, now leaning his head on his hand that was holding the door frame while the other was holding the door open.

I .. I ...brought you food. she stammered, wow paige his wet hair makes you stammer, his sleepy voice makes you stammer what next? she thought.

Come in here, motioned for her to enter while opening his door wider but she hesitated a little before making her way in because the last time she was in his room things didn't go right.

As if sensing her hesitation, he softly pushed her further into the run and closed the door behind him. I won't do anything, he said reassuring her. After that he turn the lights on as well and walked towards the table to seat with paige slowly following him behind, she placed the tray of food on the table.

You should eat now before it gets soggy, she said and was about to leave.

Won't you accompany me, I don't like to eat alone, He said.

After a short debate she turned and opposite "i will watch you ear", she said " I only brought a pair of chops"

We can share the same one, he grinned as he spoke while mixing his noodles with soup.

She blushed at his words and avoided eye contact. This man is clearly shameless. No am good i just ate before coming here.

alright he said and started to eat, the food was hot but still rich in flavors the aroma quickly spread through the room.

A mesmerized Paige focused on a man in front of her busy stuffing his face with food, His messy hair now hanging on his face while she fought the edge to run her hands through his hair probably fist it as well.

I will choke on my food if you keep looking at me like that, he said bringing her back to life.

I wasn't staring at you, she denied retracting her gaze to the bed.

He softly smiled and lowered his head to eat.